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Electro-agglomeration and separation of Engineered NanoParticles from process and waste water in the coating industry to minimise health and environmental risks (NANOFLOC)
Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The rapid introduction of nano-based products into the market has caused a major concern both for health and environmental impacts, among others from the paint and coating business. A number of studies have documented health risks related to nanoparticles, inhalation exposure and dermal contact being main exposure routes in the coating and paint industry. Likewise, discharge of nanoparticles into aquatic environment causes damage to the gill membrane of fish and crustaceans. Today, the only effective means of removing nano-particles from water is application of energy intensive methods such as reverse osmosis. Therefore, the coating industry that uses products with nanoparticles needs a cost effective technology for removing them from used water.The proposers of NANOFLOC have thus identified a new market opportunity in developing a novel electro agglomeration technology for removing nanoparticles entrained in water. The technology is cost effective, compact and nvironmentally friendly. It is based on destabilisation of nano suspensions and agglomeration of charged particles in solutions using electric fields and flocculation in one step, avoiding addition of chemicals. The objectives of NANOFLOC will be attained by development of innovative reactor for agglomeration and stabilisation of flocs, superior hydraulic design of a reaction chamber and creation of intelligent process control system (PCU).The RTD work is structured in 5 of 8 WPs: In WP1, a life cycle analysis will be undertaken to provide a benchmark for the development program. Scientific characterisations of the process and development of parameters will be performed in WP2. Design and configuration development of the reactor will be carried in WP3. The PCU will be developed in WP4. The NANOFLOC system will be integrated and tested in WP5. Demonstration activities and dissemination of results will be carried out in WP6 and WP7 respectively, while project management tasks will be included in WP8."

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