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Elan linguistique du perchiste
Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Lycée du Granier is firmly committed to strengthening its international vocation (European classes, Franco-Italian Baccalauréat....). The team of teachers in the Tertiary Sector would like to become an integral part of this process so as to assist pupils preparing their Baccalaureat specializing in Management. The mobility project that we are applying for is an extension of the school's internal curriculum currently at the draft stage and follows the logic of the European Development Plan presented in the present application. It will enable a team of 15 teachers specialized in tertiary subjects to improve their language skills in Business English by following English classes for 5 days during the half term holidays in October 2014. Besides the language component the course will focus on developments in the cultural domain and enable teachers to - increase the amount of English they speak during lessons in Law, Economics, Management, Accountancy, Human Resources Management and Computer Skills. - help pupils to improve the quality of English they produce in oral and written work. - in the medium term open a European class aimed at pupils in the tertiary sector (STMG) - prepare teachers specializing in tertiary subjects for future mobilty at the European level - give a clear European and international orientation to the courses on offer at the Lycée du Granier with a view to helping pupils pursue their studies and facilitate professional integration; This project is supported by the college of Inspectors of Economics and Management for the Académie de Grenoble (Annex 3).

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