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Start date: May 11, 2015, End date: Feb 10, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The physical and socioeconomic context in which it will develop the project we can locate in the province of Cádiz, specifically in the city of San Fernando and its region as the Bay of Cadiz, although we will have some activities in other Andalusian cities. This region is currently in a very difficult socio-economic situation as it is ranked as the European region with the highest rate of unemployment. This means that young people of this region do not have the means to participate in activities how are you and who have basic needs in some cases. The level of youth unemployment touches 60%, so the vast majority their only way out is to emigrate. This is leaving an atmosphere of discouragement and passivity that we should fight for contrarestárlas creating a participatory spirit through youth councils and voluntary. Also in this situation, the scourge of drugs are opening the way, even more agrabándo the situation. Substances which are believed eliminated or no longer return to use, and are making their way back to erode the youth of this region. Besides all this, when the socioeconomic situations are so bad they appear feelings of intolerance towards other social groups of different nationality and culture, which if not controlled can be very negative. The group of young participants will 2o per association, which the selection will be giving priority to those men and young people who have difficulty performing these activities on their own without the help of the European Union. Each youth group will be accompanied by two adults. Especially we will accommodate young people at risk of exclusion or detect that have social problems. Youth groups will of San Fernando, Morocco and Israel. The union of these three cultures, will add value to this project greatly promoting tolerance. With this project we intend to raise awareness of tolerance, respect and harmony among different cultures, promoting multiculturalism and tackling issues such as racism and xenophobia. This particular we want to empower the youth of Eryteeia to learn to value their active European citizenship and involvement in their local societies. During the exchange activities enhancing the cohesion among young people, so they know Europeans such as folklore, gastronomy, youth councils and voluntary aspects will be made. But we also want to know the aspects of tolerance, anti-racism, antixenofobia, as part of a fairer society as European. These activities ambientaremos in a time of Al-Andalus as a sign of an old European society that promoted these values. Also devoted time to the fight against drug addiction and the use of substances harmful to health. The activities we have communication between young men / women as the forum where video or games will force communication among all of them and them is also very important in this project. Will force young people to discuss issues such as ethics, religion, philosophy, respect for multiculturalism and youth participation. The first part of the activities will be in San Fernando exploring the city, their environment, their culture and the way that young people of San Fernando de vivre. Then we will move to the town of Chiclana to continue the business under campsites. There voluntary activities of ethnographic recovery of important cultural spaces in cooperation with associations of the area will be made. The project methodology is through work in small mixed groups where young participants will discuss the various issues involved. Performing many of the outdoor activities in contact with nature will greatly facilitate the integration and participation of young people. It is intended with this project that the young participants become young participatory in their society, knowing they have some instruments such as youth councils and volunteering to participate. We also want to be young without prejudice toward other cultures. Finally we also want them aware that they are a young healthy not enter the world of drugs and who can have fun and be drug free environments. The impact we expect this project is very wide due to the nature of the participating youth groups, but also the dynamics realia. But the impact matters most is that young participants open your mind to other cultures, appreciating the taste for plurality and learn that European citizens are defenders of freedom, and respect for others.

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