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Εκπαίδευση Στελεχών Πολεμικού Ναυτικού
Start date: Jul 7, 2016, End date: Jul 6, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

HELLENIC NAVY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FOR THE APPLICATION OF EU INTEGRATED MARINE STRATEGY FRAMEWORK - MEDITERRANEAN SEA AND MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONThe project aims at the education and training for H.N officials (and civilian personnel) with a relevant to the environment degree (prerequisite) or with positions relevant to environmental issues and to the marine environment. Basic Prerequisite is B2 Level English knowledge .The specific education and training is focused on the Integrated Marine Strategy of the European Union (EU) and its legal framework such as:a) The adoption of common principles in settling cross-border policies to solve differences between countries with common sea borders. At this point, the legal framework of the Law of the Sea plays a valuable and important role on solving important national problems.b) The Marine Environmental Information Management (EMODNET)adopted from the EU through the Marine Strategy, which aims at the sustainable development of the marine environment for the benefit of citizens and the development of growth in their area.c) The Initiatives for the Global Environmental Monitoring, in order to protect the human beings from threats such as climate change, safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.d) The legislative framework related to the implementation of operational programs, such as the sustainable fishing, the offshore energy parks and the marine protection zones.The education - training will take place at the Westminster University in London (United Kingdom), the duration will be two days and it aims at the following :a) To enhance knowledge of the participants:1) will learn about the Integrated Maritime Strategy and key objectives.2) will be informed of the legal framework of maritime space in the Mediterranean.3) will learn about the importance of marine environmental information and how το solve environmental problems.4) will be able to relate the legal procedures to the environment.b) To upgrade the level of participants' skills training in order to:1) implement good practices in solving environmental problems2) design solutions to potential future problems3) organize potential solutions scenarios and choose the best4) organize environmental information based casesc) To upgrade the level of attitude - behavior of the participants in order to :1) adopt legal thinking in handling environmental issues, and take their decisions at a given moment .2) create a network of people who can act collectively to solve a marine environmental issue targeting at the best result for the Mediterranean area.3) adopt European culture in the management of the marine environment in order to able to meet the challenges of the Integrated Maritime Strategy such as the strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian seas.At the end of the program participants will have learned:a) Access to correct information sources so as to gain the ability to solve complex environmental issues.b) Skills in managing environmental problems in order to protect the marine environment.c) Knowledge of Mediterranean particularities and handling of issues.TRAINING COURSE FOR STAFF INVOLVED IN METROLOGY FOR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SUMMARYScopeThe current proposal is meant to improve on the instruction methods used for the training and professional development of the technical personnel serving in the Hellenic Navy that perform measurements, maintenance and repairs by utilizing the latest laboratory equipment while following valid measurement processes under sometimes adverse conditions.The target group is a small team of full time military and civilian staff with a relevant technical background whose job description includes the installation, maintenance and repair of communication and radar systems, the oversight of teaching laboratories that offer measurement training and conduct wireless media experiments involving microwaves and radar.The training will be conducted in coordination with ROHBE & SCHWARZ SA which is one of the largest companies in the field with an international presence. The company focuses on the research, design, development, construction, sale, maintenance, repair, and training on electronic warfare equipment in lieu with the needs and prerequisites of the Hellenic Navy.The theoretical courses will take place in a specially designed company training center in Munich while all practical training sessions will be hands on experiences within the corresponding company technical departments. Sessions will be taught on site taught, based on ongoing company projects and by very experienced - instructors.Initial Steps Leading to Plan development1. Four live information sessions were held regarding the ERASMUS+. Program2. Briefs and memos were sent to all departments informing of the institutional and personal benefits regarding the participation in such a program.3. Needs analysis survey received and answered by a

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