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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Given recent international developments that drive many immigrants and refugees in our country’s shores, we consider it imperative to take immediate measures to ensure both the health of our troubled fellowmen, as well as the public health of the Greek people and thus the health of our European fellow citizens since our country is a gateway and a potential public health protection shield across Europe. There is an objective need for education of students attending health professions because the vast majority of migrant people (migrants, economic migrants, refugees or asylum-seekers) comes from countries that have a high prevalence of infectious diseases, some of which are absent or have a low prevalence in host countries such as Greece. Based on the above challenges, the educational community of 8 EK ATHINAS TAVROU proposed the program "EDUCATION ISSUES IN SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND CARE OF IMIGRANTS” with the ambition to help students attending the Health and Welfare department to specialize:(a) Prevention - promotion - restoring health and treatment of infectious diseases of immigrants,(b) The provision of holistic health care, in accordance with professional codes of ethics and conduct, and laws that concern the cultural particularities of these populations. The Educational needs of students, which are in direct relation and relevance to labour market needs, focus on:1. The basic knowledge of holistic health care processes2. to respect the ways of prevention - promotion - rehabilitation of the health of immigrants to real or potential health problems,3. The participation in decision making, planning and programming of therapeutic procedures in cooperation with the individual or his environment,4. Knowledge and handling of emotions of migrants. The two main pillars of the program, as mentioned above, are 1. treatment - rehabilitation of immigrants and the knowledge of students on basic infections for which they should take control measures in relation to migrants in accordance with international data: tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases (HIV / AIDS, etc.), viral hepatitis, malaria and rabies. 2. Transcultural Nursing that will take into account cultural values, beliefs and practices of different cultures to provide culturally sensitive nursing care and communication with patients.Through the project, the beneficiaries are to gain valuable experience and important skills, which is expected to help develop the ability to reclaim and adapt their knowledge on the particularities of this period after graduation. Expected results for the participants is to:1. be able to apply the basic and specialized treatment techniques regarding infections of immigrants in order to treat them and to protect themselves,2. Understand and handle the emotions of patients who have another culture, customs and habits, treating immigrants with different cultural backgrounds with professionalism and understanding.3. Curated coordination and implementation of nursing care, at all levels of the supply;4. Enter in the health care management of this particular group,5. Conduct the counselling of the patient.6. 6. Inform migrants (rights, obligations, care search services) to their movement within the Greek health system.The project regards the mobility of 40 students of specialty health & welfare in 2 streams of 20 people, who for a period of 15 days will go to England and Italy. The duration of the mobility abroad is satisfactory to meet the educational needs of the participants to gain knowledge regarding the training object and simultaneously strengthen the linguistic and cultural skills. The choice of specific countries - England and Italy - was because our host institutions London First Aid Training (England) and Scuola Radio Elettra srl (Italy) have respective health departments and welfare with very well organized laboratory areas and also will have prepared a placement and visits program - which is specialized in treating patients from third countries and the approach of intercultural nursing.
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