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Einsatz von Tablets im (inklusiven) Unterricht / Förderung von Schülern mit besonderem Förderbedarf
Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Jun 25, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is a school for children with intellectual disabilities. In the midterm we will strive towards offering our expertise to comprehensive schools that are presently being developed in our school district. In order to obtain these goals we want to professionalize in the field of inclusive education. Schools in Sweden and Finland have a longstanding experience in inclusive schooling and we hope to benefit from their expertise and develop new ideas together. Activity 1: We are at the beginning of introducing tablets in our lesson plans and learning arrangement. By participating in a workshop dealing with tablets in inclusive settings in Finland, two teachers are to be enabled to become experts on that topic and use their knowledge in their everyday professional work . These participants have already taken part in a training in Austria which was the starting point of our current work with tablets. Both teachers will then be able to offer trainings for their fellow teachers at our school and furthermore at other schools in our district and at the university. The two teachers will take part in another training to improve their knowledge and get in touch with the Finnish school system and get ideas for the inclusive education of pupils with special needs in comprehensive schools. We expect to improve our methods of using tablets and want to have a well founded concept for all classes and all subjets. As pioneers on that topic we look forward to share our experiences with other schools in our district. Activity 2: We want six teachers to do job-shadowing in Sweden in order to obtain information about the Swedish school system and their way to include pupils with special needs. Several of our teachers should become more experienced in teaching in inclusive learning arrangements. We want to improve this work and become more professional in that area. This includes the implementation of inclusive teaching methods in our daily work and the training of other teachers both in our and neighbour schools. We also look forward to a long-term partnership with teachers in Sweden to exchange ideas, materials and expertise. Our main goal ist improve the education of pupils with intellectual disabilities in our school and in our partner comprehensive schools.
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