European Projects
egitimde kaybedilecek fert yoktur
egitimde kaybedilecek fert yoktur
Start date: Jun 2, 2014,
End date: Jun 1, 2015
According to 2012/2013 educational and academic year statistics data of our school, it is stated that totally ninety one (91) students resigned their formal education ( 24students among of whom left school and the other 67 students continued their academic years in Open High Schools) . It is such a great rate that we cannot ignore. Approximately it comes upon % 37 new registered students. As to the analysis by consultancy service in our school, the fact that educational materials and tools along with the approaches don’t appeal to students needs and their high readiness level is too low to receive training in High School are ranked among the reasons of why school abandonment is so high.
By means of the new understanding adopted since 2005 , We have been in a situation that enabling students gain research and questioning skills, be productive and enterprising and also ‘learning by doing’ has increased in importance with the help of Lifelong Learning Process. We are in the thought that observing the education systems of countries which have such applications and put in practice successfully like Finland and Estonia would certainly contribute to our teachers personal and professional qualities in a great deal and provide a different dimension to our point of view and increase school educational quality at the same time.
Fort his purpose, institutional self-evaluation is going to be carried out in specified countries relatively by analyzing lesson plans, annual plans, records of branch meetings, various testing and evaluation tools and materials used in classes related to Maths, Science and Reading fields and by observing approaches-techniques, class management and priorities during lessons approaches and techniques.
New teaching approaches, grouping students, using BITs,giving performance tasks, teaching Maths based on discovery would put a value on participants’ knowledge builup.In the field of school management, exchange of ideas on studies concerning increasing total quality and school profitability will take place through observing school management mentality and applications on the spot.
To decrease relinquishing the school, one of the most important goals of our institute in 2010-2014 Strategic Plan, we would like to minimize the rate of relinquishing which highly exixts in our school by means of increasing proficiency on management. it is one of our main goals to visit partner schools in EU countries which are in fine position in respect of testing and evaluation ( for instance Finland ) according to the acquired data from both TIMSS and PISA( 2012 ), and have fitting remark and make it possible to implement them in our own school and sophisticate our staff with EU dimension.
In order to achieve our Project aim, our 17 staff are going to visit Finland.
Out of those staff;
-9 staff are in charge for observing with which techniques and approaches they could teach Maths,Science and basic linguistics, examining the way they manage the classroom and how they integrate BIT applications into the education
-8 staff , who are responsible for observing on how they respond to early school abandonment and absenteeism and developing of the quality in the fields of managements, inspections and testing and evaluation, are supposed to visit Finland.
As part of Project, key actions considered to be carried out are mentioned below in general terms.
1. Preparation activity
2. Application activity
3. Reporting activity
4. Visibility activity
5. Generalizing activity
It is expected that our institute and participants are going to get a great deal of influence from that Project work . Some of contributions that are expected are mentioned below:
1.Participants will gain the capability in foreign language skills.
2. To see Europe education system and experience, make a comparision and take the ones that are useful and implement them will benefit our participants life qualities. On one hand, seeing new places and meeting new people from different cultures broaden our point of view, on the other hand it will help us to overcome problems with the range of perspectives rather than only one solution.
3. Acquisitions gained from the Project will be evaluated in corporate based. Useful applications can hold a place in strategic targets of our school and get integrated in our institute.
4- In addition to existing teaching approaches and principles in our school, with the help of NLP method, we aim to raise the motivation particularly in students whose academic success is quite low.
5- To adopt ‘ THE STATION TEACHING METHOD’ which is commonly used for facilitating learning for students who have different types of learning.
Our ultimate target audiance being our students; especially the ones who have lack of academic success for High School training so that they can continue their education, we aim to adopt very effective method -group teaching method so as to minimize school abandonment.