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Eğitimde çok kültürlü konulara yaklaşımlar
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project arose from the idea of providing a higher quality of education in our school and spreadig this education with higher quality to the other schools as well. In the past years our teachers were already trying hard to develop the understanding of education in their teaching classes and their schools. However their effort could only reach to a certain amount of studients. We believe that this project will support and improve our teachers' effort with global courses and allow us to compare our teaching methods with others by interacting with people from different cultures and having an exchage of ideas. Our aim is to raise unique individuals in multicultural educational enviroments by supporting their distinctios and allowing them to harmonize their distinctions with other individuals. Although teachers improved themselves cognitively as guides within the period of interaction of cultural diversity; sentimentaly, they still carry the traces of a traditional educational system . In the case of the acceptance of our project, these traces of traditional educational system will disappear by allowing teachers to interact with different cultures and their educatioal methods. The number of participants of this project is nine (9) and we aimed to choose a group of teachers who are coming from different cultural and environmental backrounds so that they have varıous insights and abilities during the preperation of this project. Every step of our project is prepared by allowing every single participant teacher live and learn by their experieces. So that our teachers will be able to provide the most practical and productive learning enviroment to their students. By interacting with different cultures, our teachers will be able to understand the reasons and solutions of the number of dropouts and failing students so that they can solve those kind of problems through cooperation. Our goal is not only to teach our students how to learn but also raise children who are in harmony with different cultures and have no prejudgement towards others. We also aim to share and spread our educational project and studies locally and globally by declaring them on our web site called “” which means '''' and our facebook, twitter accounts.
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