Efficient Painting & Enhancement of Hand-drawn Car.. (ToonPaint)
Efficient Painting & Enhancement of Hand-drawn Cartoon Animations
Start date: Oct 1, 2010,
End date: Sep 30, 2012
The aim of ToonPaint project is to develop practically usable tool that will make the traditional cartoon animation production pipeline less tedious and so cost effective. In addition to that it will also develop a new enhancement technique to increase visual richness of resulting imagery while retain the look of hand-drawn animation.The project has two main research objectives: (1) develop an efficient variant of LazyBrush algorithm proposed in the previous FP7 IEF project CARToon of which advantage is that it is applicable to a broad class of different drawing styles and requires significantly less manual effort as compared to previous approaches, (2) deliver new interactive tool allowing artists to paint withhand-drawn textures like with homogeneous colors and so enable creation of new painting styles.Besides research objectives the project also proposes a number of complementary activities to support lasting professional integration of the applicant into the host institution. They include establishing own research group, collaborating with industry, improving writing & publishing skills, teaching own master degree course, and preparation of international FP7 ICT project.
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