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Effective teacher training: getting closer to Europe.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project ," Effective Teacher Training : getting closer to Europe", arises due to the need of acquiring new methodological techniques, bringing Europe closer to our school and improving teachers´training related a foreign language. This Project will take place at a school with 155 students and 20 teachers, where the main need is purely instrumental, that is to say, the teachers staff found it really necessary to foster the learning of a foreign language in order to integrate, not only the new students from other nationalities who come to our school , but also the whole educational community, being the use of a European language , the most useful tool to get it. Besides, this project is focused on , not only improving our teaching practice , but also on laying the foundations to turn our school into bilingual in the future and, amplify our European Dimension. We will carry out a concrete planning which will last for 24 months and 7 mobilities will be undertaken. Each of these mobilities are directly related to the needs previously identified in every Department. The teacher training activities will be the following: 1. JOB SHADOWING , in Finland, from 17th to 23rd April , 2016. 2. "BLENDED LEARNING", from13th to 17th July, 2015. 3. "ENGLISH & CULTURE: A COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE": 27th July to 7th August, 2015. 4. "LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT FOR TEACHERS": 13th to 17th July, 2015. 5. "CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM", from 17th July to 29th July, 2016. 6. ENGLISH TEACHERS WITH LOW LEVEL(A2, B1) from 25th July to 5th August 2016 7. ACTIVATE YOUR ENGLISH FOR TEACHING (B1/B2): in Leeds from 1st to 12 th August, 2016. The methodology is intended to be creative, active, integrating, communicative and multidisciplinary, promoting the development of the teaching and learning process in a cooperative way and, whose main function is acquiring and improving the following Competences: Communicative, cultural and socio - linguistic. Our teachers´profile involves the following educational needs: a. Enrichment by observing good practice of one of the best educational systems in Europe , attending to organisational and managment aspects and create professional links. b. To improve and refine our Communicative Competence. This improvement will lead us to improve our European Dimension at school. c.To amplify teachers´knowledge about the use of New Technology when teaching and also create and exchange different materials with other European colleagues in real and specific contexts. d. To acquire new and different views about the development of the teaching and learning process. e. To be conscious about the relationship between language and culture and implement the skills, knowledge and competences related to our teaching practice. f. To acquire a good variety of materials and innovative ideas to be put into practice in the classroom and keep up to date with British educational system changes or British society. g. Professional enrichment related the previous points which allows a multiplier effect at school. IMPACT AND BENEFITS By means of this project, we will expect to transmit our students the urgent need to develop their communicative competence in a foreign language and its importance related educative and sociological reasons and the important role that language plays in our modern society, trying to get closer to Europe and feeling part of it. Then , our main objectives in this project are: 1. To improve the understanding of the European Dimension. 2. To design the foundations to change the school into bilingual. 3. To foster motivation and professional development among teaching staff. 4. To improve school success and contribute to the development of the Key Competences. 5. To integrate new ways of learning. 6. To foster the use of New Tecnologies and the use of new materials. 7.To improve teachers´ skills towards a foreign language and encourage the learning of a European language , not only among teachers but, also among students. 8. To promote the creation of professional networks with other European schools. 9. To know teaching practice and management at other European schools.

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