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Educație incluzivă în Școala Gimnazială Specială Sfântu Gheorghe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Developing an inclusion-supporting education system and removing obstacles faced by vulnerable groups in terms of participation and success in education, training and employment are European strategies underlying our own institutional strategies. The Special Secondary School in St. George, Covasna County implemented the project entitled Inclusive Education within the Special Secondary School in St. George, between September 01, 2015-August 31, 2016. The project objectives were applying the principles of inclusion in school policy, increasing the quality of education through skills development in teachers, introduction of vocational counseling, reducing dropout. Within the project were selected two counselor teachers who attended a training course in Finland. The course theme has been chosen according to the needs and the strategic development plan of the institution. Mobility took place from October 05 to 09, 2015 in the town of Joensuu, course title being Every student is important - special education in Finland. The selected participants have acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the ability to renew knowledge knowing Finnish education system on all levels, pedagogical skills pedagogical such as the ability to know the children and to take into account their age and individual peculiarities in the inclusion of children with SEN. Moreover, they developed their communication skills in English, collaboration/ cooperation ability with other participants from 12 countries - social and intercultural skills, their spirit of cooperation. Acquired skills aimed at developing a guide of good practice examples from the Finnish education system, a collection of traditional Finnish and Hungarian recipes, developing a new optional subject, camps with health maintenance program and sports activities. The experience gained by the two participants in mobility/training on inclusive education in the Finnish education system was disseminated in meetings, workshops, methodical and teacher training sessions, both locally and at county level and through county newspapers, namely Háromszék and Observatorul de Covasna, the sites,, The project results have materialized in the development of a best practice guide with examples from the Finnish education system, a collection of traditional Finnish and Hungarian recipes, development of new elective or optional subjects, organization of camps with health maintenance program, sports, practical ideas for activities, information and training sessions for teachers in the methodical workshop. Our school intends to provide the future quality of teaching and learning by taking best practices from the Finnish and European educational system, so that education in our school to keep up with the transformations generated by the European Union. The philosophy of inclusive education will be shared by all members of the school community and inclusive orientation will be the most effective mean of combating discriminatory attitudes and school dropout. At the same time, benefiting practice against theory on all levels of teaching in the institution will guarantee orientation and motivating of students to develop life skills, developing entrepreneurial skills required to find a job.
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