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EDuCARE-Gender Identity
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BAKIP Feldkirch offers to 18 students of the 4th classes the possibility to finish a part of their duty training period abroad. Our partners are private day care facilities in Dublin, Ireland, and Stockholm, SE. The participants in this project will practise three weeks in these day care facilities with children aged 0-6. Main focus of this project is "EDuCARE-Gender Identity". The participants deal with the gender-sensitive education with European countries and develop new concepts for Austria.The students organise their stay independently. The partner organisations have been selected by us and have been contacted. The participants will be supported in their preparations, establishment of contact and they will receive general information. During the three-week stay an accompanying teacher will visit the participants on site and will support them in case of questions, problems.... The participants have the possibility within to observe, practise, gain an insight into the concept of education and they should be offered the choice to make observations and activities in the subject of gender-sensitive education. The results will be evaluated and presented in a result briefcase of the school (teachers, student) and the country Vorarlberg, supervisory authotirty for nursery schools which will be made accessible to the public.
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5 Partners Participants