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Thomas Edison; 'The man who gave the world electric light, phonograph and talking motion pictures was not only the world’s greatest inventor, but also able to exploit the profit potential in his creations. As a combination of inventive genius and entrepreneurial flair, he stands alone'.Entrepreneurship has never been more important than today. The current complex and insecure economic environment requires individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset, not only important for entrepreneurs but also for employees.Research shows that young people with entrepreneurial experience during their education are not only more likely to start their own business, but are employed faster too.Successful ‘entrepreneurial learning’ strategies from Spain and Austria will be used as source of inspiration and learning. On top of this, special attention will be paid to the language needs of the modern labour market by supporting language learning in the workplace through the methodology of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) delivered by the Italian partner. These successful experiences will be transferred to the national VET-Associations in The Netherlands, UK and Ireland, all of them having the perfect position to develop on national scale an 'Entrepreneurial learning pathway' in VET, that encourages the entrepreneurial spirit of certain students and meets the requirements of the current labour market.

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