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Ecoyouth in Nature Park
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The long-term EVS project ''Ecoyouth in nature park'' took place in Esso, Kamchatka peninsula, Russian Federation from 16th April till 16th August 2015. During the 4-month period, one young Croatian volunteer joined the staff and other international volunteers in daily life and work of the volcano natural park Bystrinskii. The objectives of the project were supporting the local community of Esso, providing intercultural experiences and language courses for the community children, education about ecology, nature and the impact of the modern society onto natural world. Besides the daily work in the park, with the visitors and maintaining the facilities, the volunteers were assisting the locals in understand international web-sites in the public library, offering English and German language courses and promoting international volunteering opportunities for youth. The European volunteers were living in a small community away from the modern living conditions as to deepen their knowledge of the old ways of living, in harmony with the nature, the seasons and the weather. Close association with people of different cultures helped develop the volunteers sense of understanding and tolerance, and belonging to a small community helped the volunteers to develop their creativity, autonomy and independence. The project helped shape creative solutions and strategies that help to preserve cultural and environmental heritages of the region of Esso and the Bystrinskii Nature Park, as well as to bring forth ideas about social and economic improvement based on sustainability, while these points evolved from the cooperation of the volunteers, the host organisation and the local people.
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