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Eco innovative refitting technologies and processes for shipbuilding industry promoted by European Repair Shipyards (ECO-REFITEC)
Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The overall objective of ECO-REFITEC project is to IMPROVE THE COMPETITIVENES OF THE EUROPEAN SHIPYARDS AND SME’S INVOLVED IN SHIPBUILDING, SHIPREPAIR & RECYCLING.The project will help repair shipyards and ship operator to perform a refitting of existing fleet, through of technological development and new tools, helping shipping benchmark their performance, improving the retrofit processes and products, and assessing environmental and life cycle cost impact.Several demonstration cases, together with the exchange of experience and relevant personnel, shall enable the participating institutions to build up relevant capacities. Through a selection of 13 partners from 9 Member States will be able to exchange knowledge with academia and business.ECO-REFITEC will attain the general aim by• Developing IT supported tools for retrofit impact evaluation on ship’s life cycle economy; energy; environmental performance and safety.• Developing model tools to look at through life asset management of systems on board through the life cycle of the ship• Exploring/identifying/developing eco-retrofitting technologies and solutions for existing fleet to comply with some current and future IMO standards.• Sharing knowledge of repair shipyards best practices and assesing their performance in real-life.• Integrating environmental strategies and practices into the ship repair industry management systems.The approach that ECO_REFITEC use is based on four stages:- 1st. Development of Innovative tools based on careful assessment of current available capabilities and in close relation with future retrofits work.- 2nd.Prototyping and validation of the eco-innovative tools developed within the frame work of ECO-REFITEC.- 3rd. Identification of skills and technologies required to sustain the eco-innovative tools developed.- 4th Exchange information through the supply chain and disseminate knowledge generated."

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12 Partners Participants