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EAT - Engaging in Alimentation & Tradition
Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EAT – Engagin in Alimentation&Tradition is a multilater youth exchage under the Key Action 1 of Erasmus+:youth in action programme which will give the chance to youngsters to reflect and share ideas and knowledge about healthy habits, focusing on the ones related to food, highlighting traditional dishes and dances as tool for mutual understanding. The project aims to share good practices about healthy food and lifestyle, also using dances as physical exercise, preventing obesity and food-related diseases among youngsters. We hope it will also help the intergenerational dialogue on food habits and innovation in the preparation of traditional dishes in a healthy perspective. The project starts on 01 April and it ends on 30 December 2015 and it will include 7 days of activities related to topic where youngsters will learn by doing how to improve their food habits and a lot of new features of European cultures. This youth exchange will gather 25 youngsters from 5 youth organization active in the social field around Europe: Italy, Croatia, Romania, Poland and Turkey for some activities hosted by Connect association in Vasto, Italy. Using non-formal education methods, this group of young people will have the great opportunity to cooperate, develop intercultural attitude, reflecting on their potential, acquiring news skills and competences, learn and share ideas, become more creative and improve their personal and cultural experiences. They will cook together traditional and new healthy food, discuss and learn about nutrition, make collage about habits, share their traditions and dances, prepare and perform a show in town to highlights good practices, to be recorded and disseminate. As outcomes they will prepare a healthy cuisine e-book or prezi presentation, video about healthy recipes and a brochure with a workshop to promote healthy habits for other youngsters. We wish like this to raise awareness about healthy lifestyle from the basic steps, presenting it in a catchy way for young people, hoping to have an impact in their family too and supporting future implementation of intercultural cooking workshops and school activities related to good habits.
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