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Early Years Transition Programme

Research suggests that a more unified approach to learning should be adopted in boththe early childhood education and the primary school systems, and that attention shouldbe given to transition challenges faced by young children as they enter school.Transitions for children are generally a stimulus to growth and development, but if tooabrupt and handled without care, they represent the risk of regression and failure,particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.The project therefore aims at enabling pre-school teachers and primary school teachersto find a more unified approach to learning and a common understanding of educationthat should be adopted at both educational levels to collaborate more effectively, i.e. toimprove educational continuity and thus facilitate the transition process of children (aged5-7) and their families.The project partners will design initial and continuing education courses for ECEC andGrade 1 teachers that build on the strengths of the Àschool readiness approach andthe Àsocial pedagogy approach.Curriculum continuity addresses in particular the issue of child-participation andknowledge-building relating to language competence and Early Literacy.The goals envisaged are:* to promote the involvement and exchange of views between parents andprofessionals of both sectors, particularly in respect to ensuring the inclusionof more marginalised children and families.* to provide connecting curricula that guide children along their individualpathways to knowledge, encourage them to reflect on their own learningprocess; and to empower them to become autonomous learners during thetransition and throughout life.The outputs will thus be:* Promoting awareness in order to achieve a new and shared understanding ofthe child's learning and knowledge-process and thus create a strong andequal partnership between preschool and primary schooling.* A European Handbook of Educational Transition* National curricula including bibliographies

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7 Partners Participants