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Early warning - early reaction - increase performance in school qulity
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A systematic work to assure the quality of a school is a prerequisite for everyone working in a school, no matter at what level in order to be able to deliver high quality teaching and optimum learning output with focus on equal and inclusive education or training to all groups of learners. An effective quality assurance is also decisive to result in an education that will stimulate the development and learning for all students and a life long desire to learn. The aim with the quality assurance is to visualize quality and equality, what is done, why and what it leads to, to gain success for both the individual and the organization including its professionals.One major challenge in school quality development is the long process cycle, often the shortest cycle is a year. This means that a systematic review and improvement process only happens once a year and that students seldom have a profound experience of a continuous improvement process. Our project is about early warning and reaction and developing a tool to increase performance in school quality and by doing that increase the number of students that succeed at school.The main objective of the project is to work out a method and and an IT-tool that will help schools to assure their quality in a systematic and value-driven way to achieve the highest level of belonging among the learners.By creating an environment where the learners belong and feel comfortable indicators as grades, absence, the number of dropouts etc will show positive trends and help the learners to succeed.The target groups of this project are numerous but to start it is the learner who will succeed in his or her studies. But it is also the teacher who will succeed in meeting the student´s needs and deliver the proper learning. For the school this will be of great benefit to assure that the task to deliver the right learning to meet the needs of all the learners is achieved. The participants of this project are schools and organizations committed to systematic quality development, many committed to a national or European quality award process. The project participants will carry out the surveys, meet locally and analyze results, data and decide on measures to be taken. Each partner then brings this input to the transnational meeting where the total result in analyzed. The four physical meetings will rotate among the project participants. The results of the project will be the proof the correlation between "a sense of belonging" and the learning output, a questionnaire where the questions strongly point out the connection, an IT-tool, that will be ready to use in various schools , a toolkit of "best practices in the classroom" i. Furthermore an international network that will be linked with quality assurance institutions in all European countries.The impact of the project will be on different levels. For the individual learner the probability of succeeding in learning outcome will increase. There will also be an enhancement of the teachers´ possibility of meeting the learners´ needs to achieve good learning outcome. On a local, regional and national basis this will contribute to less drop-outs, more students with complete grades and exams which will form the basis for a sustainable life including job, health, economy, socially. The needs to be adressed in this project are:- to prove the importance of the cultural feeling for the learning output- to create tools to assess the present status in the teaching group- to visualize the student´s feeling of belonging- to obtain knowledge of what makes a difference- to develop the staff members´ knowledge and skills in this area- to develop the students´ consciousness of the importance of the feeling of belonging. Our project is mainly teacher oriented, allthough the students of the participating learning institutions will be directly involved and benefit from the results.Our Objectives are:- To develop a tool to measure, compare and analyze- To develop methods how to work in the classroom in order to develop the teachers teaching skills cercerning teaching students within the theme of the project- To increase the students´ consciousness about the sense of belonging so that they can be an active part and make change in order to break a negative trend in their learning output and personal development- To enhance the competence of the teachers and staff - To disseminate the knowledge

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3 Partners Participants