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E-TPOHS: e-Training Platform for Occupational Health and Safety

One of the EU primary concerns is to increase awareness on Occupational Health and Safety in working environments and to prevent possible work related accidents, diseases and deaths. Moreover, the national and international reports show that there is major demand on demand of the employees and employers for further training on OHS in order to prevent hazardous occupational incidents. Therefore, there is a strong need for the dissemination of educative training materials and the exchange of best practices on OHS area in both national and EU level. The main aim of this project is to provide easy and free access to an electronic training platform for all the parties involved with OHS on national level in order to increase the awareness of SMEs and entrepreneurs about OHS tasks, good practices and obligations and EU initiatives; the long term aim is to decrease the number of fatal and serious accidents in SMEs.
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6 Partners Participants