Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: Oct 31, 2017
The project is presented by a Consortium composed of six Technical schools and a Vocational one, social partners, companies, and public bodies of Treviso Province; many local partners provide their external support. The common interest of this partnership is focused on the marketing of the territory and its touristic resources as an instrument for promoting and encouraging the local development in an international perspective.The project emphasizes the focus on the changes that are affecting the tourism sector: in order to attract the flows of tourism to the inland areas, and at the same time to face the change requested to the so-called ‘Tourism 2.0’, it is primarily required to act on the education and training of the next touristic operators. The project aims therefore at increasing their competences as regard the use of interactive communication tools based on the web and the touristic e-commerce. The participants will be 110 students at the end of the fourth year of study at the following schools: ITCG Sansovino -Oderzo (Consortium Coordinator); ITST Mazzotti –Treviso; IPPSAR Maffioli –Castelfranco Veneto; ISISS Scarpa – Motta di Livenza; ITCS L.B. Alberti and ITTS Volterra - San Donà di Piave. The students belong to the sectors of Administration, Tourism, Foreign Languages, ICT, Graphic and Communication, Hotel, restaurant and catering, Hospitality services. The profiles listed above are coherent and complementary for a competitive touristic offer in a territory which is not that much known by the general public. The specific professional skill alone is not sufficient unless it is supported by the mastery of key competences, in particular as concern the communication in foreign languages, the digital competence, , sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, intercultural awareness. The project aims at offering the operators of the future some training opportunities which can strengthen these skills. This will be realized through preparatory activities and the mobility during summer 2017; the mobility will last 5 weeks, being the first one of preparation and the other 4 of full-time work experience in companies in Austria (Vienna), France (Paris), Lithuania (Vilnius), UK (Liverpool, Brighton , Reading, Torquay) and Spain (Valencia). The choice has been made taking into account the offer of various but complementary typologies of tourism, and the impact that the IT development has on this particular economic segment. All the project partners have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), that regulates the implementation of ECVET procedures in the internships. This will enable the sending schools to validate and recognize the learning outcomes according to the principle of the training equivalence. The mobility is integrated into the compulsory school-work Alternance scheme.The transnational mobility will allow the participants to run an experience into foreign companies belonging to their sector of study where the learners will have the opportunity to acquire or enhance their skills also in the multimedia field. The Web and Social technologies are in fact necessary to the whole production chain to communicate and promote, and attract new touristic flows, to organize the accommodation capability and manage the tourism industry.From the perspective of the territory, the participation of subjects and representatives of the world of work that are also taking part to the preparatory, evaluation, and dissemination activities, will allow to strengthen their mutual links and further reduce the self-reference that the school generally shows in defining its training goals.