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Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project type: School education staff mobility Program: Erasmus+ Key action: KA1- Learning Mobility of Individuals „E-Teacher”project is addressed to teachers in Liceul Tehnologic Auto and will take place during December, 1st, 2015 – December, 1st, 2016. Liceul Tehnologic Auto is a public school, situated on Bulevard Decebal nr.105, Craiova, Dolj county. The county lies south-west of Romania, in Oltenia region. We teach students between 11-35 years old, vocational technical education, day and evening courses, secondary school, post secondary school and vocational. There are 850 students, 40 classrooms and 68 teaching staff. This project, as part of European Development Plan, is intended to respond to some school needs: - To maximize computers’ use with a view to improve the educational process. - To improve students’ and teachers’ abilities in IT use. - To open towards European educational values: equality of chances, interculturality, long-life-learning. The aim of the project is to increase the quality of educational process in our school within the European intercultural context by developing IT skills during the teaching-learning process. The objectives of the project are: - To develop IT skills of 13 teachers. - To develop the European dimension of our school by sharing experience and relationships with representatives of other countries. - To promote communication in foreign languages. - To promote the feeling of UE membership and of interculturality. - To disseminate good practices in learning based on UE competences. In this project, 13 teachers will be trained in 3 series: 3 + 4 + 6, with different specialities. The course is “EFFECTIVE USE OF ICT IN EDUCATION“, delivered by GEROS ONLUS- Cagliari and will take place in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy and Istanbul, Turkey. The teachers’ specialities are: Romanian language, Maths, English language, Psychology, Computer Science, Mechanics, Electrotechnics, Transportation. Mobilities will be as follows: series 1- 3 teachers: March 26- April 1, 2016 in Istanbul; series 2- 4 teachers: July 18-24, 2016 in Cagliari and series – 6 teachers: August 22-28, 2016 in Istanbul. The course uses interactive methodology and has the following objectives: - to offer practical ideas on incorporating technology in everyday lessons; - to make teachers familiar with the new trends in IT and the way they can be put into practice in creating e-lessons; - to make teachers familiar with uses and functions of Moodle platform; - to allow teachers to share ideas and cultural differences with representatives of other UE nationalities; - to get acquainted with Turkish and Italian culture through activities in Cagliari/ Istanbul. Activities taking place during the project: 1. Project management 2. Mobility organizing 3. Effective participation in the 3 sessions: March 26 – April, 1, 2016; July 18-24, 2016; August 22-28, 2016. 4. Project monitoring and evaluation 5. Dissemination of project results 6. The valuation of project results At the end of the course the participants: - will use new ideas on incorporating technology in everyday lessons; - will use ICT in education by creating e-lessons; - will use Moodle platform and will create tests controlled on Moodle platform; - will use students-centered teaching-learning methods; - will include intercultural elements in their training fields; - will get a critical perception of educational principles and intercultural communication; - will get a theoretical understanding and cultural diversity within the globalization context. Following the project activities, the impact will be relevant through: - the improvement of the educational process; - the improvement of teachers’ skills; - a decrease in absenteism; - a change in attitudes and mentalities; - an increase in the European dimension of the school; - an increase of school prestige inside the community. Sustainability of the project will be supported by: - final products: DVD, lessons, articles, scientific paper - the skills of the people involved in mobility; - the development of other UE projects within Erasmus+ program; - the participation of educational staff in other courses; - 60% increase in the number of vocational school students who will continue their learning; - to increase ICT equipment in school by 70%; - to develop relationships with participants abroad; - to introduce the good practices identified in the project in the school development strategy; - to create and use an office for information on Erasmus+.

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