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E-Commerce Innovation for Vocational Education and Training Initiatives & Practices

The VETIP project's key aim was to use ecommerce resources to help partners in 5 EU countries to develop comprehensive ecommerce entrepreneurship programmes that would help beneficiaries to improve their digital competence and succeed in creating their own business online. The consortium believes that he project has met all of the initial objectives specified in the application form. Each of the listed results has been achieved, and on a much more general level, the key aims of the project have also been realised. As stated in the project summary, the tangible outcomes of 'transfer of e-business technology products, staff trained, partner programmes adapted to support different target groups’ needs & ebusinesses established' have all been achieved, but also the intangible outcome of increasing 'econfidence to enrich VET curriculum & business training practices' has been a major benefit of the project for all partners. Many beneficiaries, both partner institution staff and learners/students, have commented that involvement in the VETIP project has given them a much greater understanding of digital business techniques, and developed their confidence in using digital resources to help them succeed. For some beneficiaries, the project brought about a change of mind-set. Artists and designers, who had previously felt that being creative was all they could do, have discovered that using their talents to make money is not out of their reach. With expert support in business techniques and digital entrepreneurship, they have begun to see themselves not only as artists and designers, but as potential business owners. In terms of impact, the consortium feels that initial targets have been exceeded, with the project already beginning to create change on a much wider scale than simply within partner organisations and their immediate area. Partners have forged new connections with national organisations that are able to support their aims, not only in terms of this project's objectives, but also in their wider aims to support beneficiaries and create opportunities. There have been a number of over-achievements on the figures stated in the application, as below:Target: 100 learners supported | Actual: 250+Target: 50 ebusiness action plans | Actual: 70+Target: 10 eservice start-up businesses established | Actual: 17Target: 10 ebusiness case studies | Actual: 17Target: 10 vox pops | Actual: 15Target: 20 teachers, trainers and managers trained | Actual: 35+

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5 Partners Participants