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Dziecko aktywnym uczestnikiem życia przyrodniczego czyli edukacja ekologiczna Małego Europejczyka
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „A child as an active participant of natural life or ecological education of a little European” is a part of the kindergarten development plan, the aim of which is to educate a person who is in contact with the social, natural and cultural environment, who is responsible for his actions, can share his experience and use the experience of others in order to create the surroundings in which he lives. Our pupils are children aged from 3 to 6, who attend bilingual groups and general programme groups with English lessons. Thorough education from very early age and extending the educational environment will help the children act creatively in the future, together with their peers from other European countries, in an atmosphere of openness and freedom without any inhibitions resulting from educational shortages. Raising the qualifications of the educational staff in relation to their English language skills and developing their professional competencies resulting from contact with the European social environment will make it possible to extend the activities of the kindergarten by enriching the educational environment with the experience of our European partners. The major objective of the project is the realization of the kindergarten curriculum in bilingual groups using the method of total immersion. The assumptions were prepared on the basis of the analysis of the needs of the kindergarten (using the SCHOOL PROFILING method), the family environment (using the focused interview method) and the needs of the 6 members of the local action group created in order to design and manage the kindergarten development plan related to the European aspect. The assumptions include: Improving foreign language communicative competence of the project participants who are members of the action group. The expected result is the increase of the number of children attending bilingual education; Improving the participants’ competences related to using modern educational methods, especially those connected with the use of ICT. The expected result is organisation of lessons and activities involving modern educational methods; Improving the participants’ competences related to modern PR tools, especially e-PR. The expected result is promoting the kindergarten activities related to European relations using electronic forms of promotion; Changing attitudes and social skills related to self-management, motivation, and interpersonal skills. The expected result is creativity and effective communication related to the creation of innovative educational projects in correlation with the closest social environment; Changing attitudes and social skills related to cultural, social and linguistic differences between European partners. The expected result is openness in relations with European partners. When mobility is completed: Analysis of acquired skills and attitudes (self-evaluation questionnaire), observation of a lessons (by the school principal) demonstrating the new elements of the educational process; Preparation of plans related to the increase in the quality of the educational services provided by the kindergarten in cooperation with the environment (using brainstorming) Observation of the children’s skills (using the school Internet platform and worksheets) Evaluation of the effects of the kindergarten development (using the school profiling method) Potential long-term benefits Increasing the educational quality of the kindergarten Opening the kindergarten to international cooperation Extending the educational environment of the pupils Activating the participants and other recipients in relation to the development of the kindergarten connected with environmental and European cooperation

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