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Dynamisation de l'enseignement des STEM (Sciences-Technologie-Ingénierie-Mathématiques) dans notre école par une utilisation plus généralisée de méthodes didactiques innovantes liées aux TIC et à l'apprentissage par projets.
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is a public school of general, technical and profesionnal secondary education at Nivelles, in the french-speaking part of Belgium. Its total number of students in year 2016 is 769. Its educational staff has 80 teachers, 15 of whom are on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects. Our school has a professional development plan in order to improve the competences and skills of its educational staff. The main areas of improvement that were identified are: to enhance and strengthen their digital competences, to learn and familiarize themselves on the use of e-learning and e-teaching tools and online resources, to learn, develop and acquire knowledge to implement inquiry-based science education methods and other innovative teaching methods and best practices in STEM (science-technology-engineering-mathematics) domains. With this application we will support the participation of our school's educational staff in training activities organized within the framework of Erasmus+ that will give them the opportunity not only to learn and develop their skills but also to meet, to collaborate, to cooperate, and to share experiences, challenges and methods with colleagues from other European countries. The competences, skills and experiences that our school's educational staff will acquire by participating in the project/training will be fully acknowledged. The training courses consist of preparatory phase in addition to the actual course period which is a weeklong intensive course that includes keynote lectures, workshops, social activities. The impact of the course is that the participating science teachers will be immersed in the process of science-inquiry via their interaction with collections of digital educational resources, tools, online labs and be exposed to innovative best practices linked with the science curricula applied in their country but also increase awareness of developments that are taking place in other European countries.
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