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Duurzame Voeding in Beieren
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Both the study-area’s and schools in agriculture and food have a lot in common. Both of them are involved in the development of human food. Both study-area’s also represent the most important links in the agri-food chain (from farm to fork).The focus on sustainable development of food today is growing, also within Europe. Besides foodsecurity, there exists a greater focus on sustainable production, food traceability, supply chain consulting, food flows and losses, alternative foods (novel food) ....Germany, playing a leading role in quality standards, being our major trading partner and having similar nutritional patterns, is an excellent partner in setting up a training on sustainable food development.The intrinsic purpose of this internship is growing the awareness of the participants on their own role in the quality of each link in the agri-food chain. Each stage in the development of the food supply (both production and processing) plays an important role in the quality preservation and development of the product.A mixed group of twenty teachers from both study areas (teachers in agriculture, nutrition and cookery teachers) will run through the different stages of a qualitative and sustainable food chain by internships in companies manufacturing and processing food. Also lectures and group discussions will be held in training and research centers (such as the Technical University of Munich and the Kern-association ), specialized in food and food-related research. Due to the multidisciplinary composition of the group there will be an exchange between teachers of the two study areas increasing the expertise and strengthening awareness of the importance of quality acting within their own and in other links of the food chain.By enlarging the intrinsic quality awareness, by increasing the knowledge and the application of new practices this internship will support teachers and encourage them to spread it further structurally through the teaching of students in agriculture, horticulture and food, also through contact with other colleagues and contacts within the sectorial network.Moreover, the skills developed will be integrated in the curricula of agricultural and horticultural and nutritional education in Flanders as part of the developing plan of a larger sustainability of the two sectors and of a bigger internal quality assurance within the agri-food chain.In longer terms, we want to enshrine the importance of sustainability and quality in this way in all programs within both study-area’s and propagate it.
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