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Down-up: Paths to improve vocational training and socio-labour integration for people with Down's Syndrome

The objective of the ´Down-up´ project is to strengthen employability, in the public and private sectors, of people with Down's Syndrome (DS). This project will develop a new occupational training programme and will raise awareness among organizations, based on the principle that there are always 'occupiable spaces' which could be filled by DS people. This new occupational training programme will address trainers (occupational training professionals, enterprise tutors and 'natural supporters') and people with DS. They will acquire knowledge through specialised courses and at the workplace. The resulting pedagogical materials will be translated into English and German. A media-based awareness campaign targeted at enterprises, with the support of local authorities, will contribute to fostering employment opportunities. A video summarising this occupational experience for DS people and a report of their socio-labour situation in the partners' Member States will be available.

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4 Partners Participants