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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context of the project.The project takes place in the Annual Project of academic training of center. It contains the following aspects:1.Trainig in methodologies that help to develop the CLIL program and how these can be applied to the plurilingual project that is being developed by our school, focusing in the ICTs.2.Training for the application of new methodologies of learning into the development of the key skills in the students learning's process.The application of these new methodologies will also promote the motivation of the student inside and outside the classroom. It is also important to think about the intercultural profile of our students.3.Improvement of the teacher's linguistic skills, specially in foreign languages. This may help to the application of languages in projects where the goal may be the internationalization of our high school. We talk about projects like School Associations (KA2) for teachers or students.Number and profile of the participants.The number of participants is approximatly 18 people out 86 of the school board. These teachers come from different departments as: Technology, Social Sciences, Spanish, Philosophy, Foreign languages, Trade, Sociocultural Services and Economics. Most of these teachers are also working in differnt projects in our school. They take part on the plurilingual project, promoting assessment by key skills, and promoting new tecnologies on cooperative working. Teachers work on the inclusion of students and they try to develope future KA2 associations. Not only this, but they also work on encouraging entrepreneurship and the improvement of student's learning skills. Activities' descriptionThere will take place different training courses based on the use of the ICTs and also other courses to develop skills to know how to manage different mobile phone apps. We will develop professional updating activities in different areas and we will work in order to learn the newest educational methodologies. There is a great interest in new forms of assessment (related to key skills assessment). The courses that will be chosen will be focused towards the following areas: DIGITAL MARKETING FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSEVENT PREPARATION AND MANAGEMENT FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSCLIL in DublinITCCreative learning and teaching using ICT and the cultural enviromentGroup Dynamics and Social Skills in the ClassroomProblem Based Learning - a practical guideACTIVATE your ENGLISH for TEACHING (B1+,B2)Methodology used to carry out the project.The project's methodology will be predictive in order to adapt it to our school's educational needs. The Teachers training's center will collaborate with us. The following steps will be established:1st. Beginning and Planning. The following actions will take place:Design of the Project's team. Creation of the Project's plan. Resources' orientation and Preparation. Approval of the Project's final Plan and participants of it. 2nd Execution and Control. We will develope the following actions: execution of the Project's plan. Follow-up of the Project. Control of changes. Reporting. Modification of the Project if necessary. Description of the results and the foreseen impact.1. It improves the students' level of English because of the improvement of the teacher's oral communication skills.2. Wider range of resources. Improvement of general knowledge and new strategies of the teachers.3. Finding partners for School Association KA2.4. Transmission of the social, cultural and European principles acquired by teachers during their activities.** Long-term benefits.5. Improvement of the plurilingual programm.6. Improvement of the key skills.7. Finding new school partnership during the development of the activities with the tool Etwinning.8. Development of the plurilingual project by the improvement of the teacher's communicative skills in foreign languages. 9. Wider knowledge of innovative educational methodologies. 10. To know how to use smartphones and tablets in the classroom so as to be able to aplly them on teaching.11. Learning to identify the common contents in the different areas to improve some kind of co-working.12. Improve teacher' softskills.13. Improvement of the oral communication skill in English and other languages (such as French and German) 14. To know new resources and materials that can be used in class.15. To achieve a wider european dimension of our high school by meeting different people of other countries. We will inform parents, students and other teachres.16. Apply the new learning in the day bay day working.17. To know new methodology and assessment instruments.
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