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Documentary Campus Masterschool
Start date: Feb 16, 2015, End date: Feb 15, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Masterschool programme allows participants to connect with the wider network of international documentary film professionals and ultimately to share their work with a wider audience. It does this in a number of ways: Industry events We organise industry events in part to share the knowledge that we generate with people external to the Masterschool. In 2015 our industry events comprised of the Leipzig Networking Days, the Sessions at Sheffield Doc/Fest and an event on Virtual Reality at Dok.Fest Munich. • Leipzig Networking Days The Leipzig Networking Days is the highlight of the Documentary Campus year and allows participants to show to a round of international commissioning editors and funders how far their stories have developed through the programme, followed by having one-on-one meetings. This is the first time that the chosen projects have been pitched publically. At the Leipzig Networking Days 2015 we also organised a keynote and follow-up debate on the new opportunities that digitalization has created for storytelling. Additionally for 2015 the Leipzig Networking Days hosted the pitching of the Crossing Borders projects, allowing for further networking opportunities and also the presence of commissioning editors from Asia. We will continue this in 2016. • Sheffield Sessions We co-produced over 80 sessions at Sheffield Doc/Fest 2015. With Sheffield Doc/Fest we have formed a strong partnership out of the collaboration in the past years. As partner of the Industry Conference Sessions, we design the programme together with the festival and therefore invite the key players of the industry to share their knowledge with the festival delegates. The programme is growing from year to year in terms of sessions, speakers and quality of discussions. Our first Masterschool workshop takes place before the festival kicks off, therefore our participants get to stay for the festival and expand their network and deepen their knowledge of the topics that currently drive the industry. Videos of all sessions are available on the Sheffield Doc/Fest website. • Virtual Reality Storytelling: From Screen to Beam at Dok.Forum Munich Our event on virtual reality storytelling in May 2015 focused on how the VR revolution is changing the way non-fiction content is approached and produced, examined the advantages and disadvantages of 360° video and discussed the ins and outs of creating on VR platforms. We worked with the Bayerische Akademie für Fernsehen in order to completely film the event. Afterwards the footage was edited ready to be uploaded onto YouTube and on our website. We were then able to share the posts using social media in order to maximize reach. As well as this, during the event itself, guests were able to try out the specialist equipment that the experts had brought with them in the VR playground. Alumni network Our alumni network comprises not only the participants of the fourteen previous Masterschool programmes, but also those who have participated in Documentary Campus’ Crossing Borders and MENA programmes. As well as communicating regularly with our alumni through mailings, social media and our website, where all their projects are posted and accessible, we organise regular meetings for them at festivals and markets where many of them are present anyway, for example at Dok Leipzig and at IDFA. This promotes networking and cooperation between alumni from different year groups. We are also able to offer our alumni discounts to many festivals and events. This year we offered discounts for Hot Docs, Sheffield Doc/Fest, the Leipzig Networking Days, Sunny Side of the Doc and free passes for our participants to Dok Leipzig festival.
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