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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project regards three-week international internships for the students of Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazjalnych No 3 named after Jan Sobieski III in Stalowa Wola. The hosting institution is situated in Berlin, Germany. The project will last from 01.06.2015 to 01.06.2017. The beneficiaries of this project are the 40 students of ZSP No 3 (second and third grade high school students) who have been educated in various areas such as economics, trade, hotel industry, tourism, gastronomy&catering&waiting staff members, photography and also basic vocational school students specializing in cooking (chef ) and trade (salesperson). The internships include two departures twenty students each : from 19.09.2016 to 09.10.2016 and from 17.04.2017 to 07.05.2017. Each group of students will be accompanied by two teachers from ZSP No 3 during internships. Each participant of the project will take part in a 40-hour training course in professional German as well as in pedagogical &cultural workshops. There are several reasons why ZSP No 3 decided to prepare that project. Stalowa Wola is located in the south-east of Poland, the region with high unemployment rate which results in low standards of living of most of our students and their families. Therefore , rarely do our students have a chance to leave our region for recreational purposes and it seems it could be difficult for them to adjust to a new lifestyle. Students complete internships in workplaces where due to gradual process of impovershiment , there are few customers. Accordingly, our students have little contact with real working conditions. Lack of suitable vocational training, intercultural competence and worldwide experience as well as the language barrier very often generate social and occupational disqualification not only in our region but also country. Our school has been cooperating with numerous employers both in our region and and larger Polish cities. Unfortunately, due to bad financial conditions only few students have an opportunity to complete the internships in reputable establishments out of their hometowns. Taking into consideration the needs and expectations of not only our students but also Polish and European job market we prepared the project, whose main aim is to support its participants in improving their professional and linguistic competence, personal development and increasing chances for being employed. The main aim of the project is to improve practical skills as well as professional and linguistic competence of 40 students of ZSP No 3. Detailed targets : • the completion of a three-week international internship by 40 students • improving the professional German language by 40 students • familiarising students with the culture and customs of the German society • learning about the European job market and its structure • promoting the mobility of workers on the European job market • gaining experience, professional competence and developing social competence by the beneficieries Thanks to the internships the students will highten their vocational skills, strenghten their language skills and they will be more motivated to master their vocational training. The internship will enable students to improve their self- assessment, gain valuable experience along with social competence. Taking part in that kind of internship is favourable for finding a job not only locally or in Poland but also in other European countries including Germany. The completion of the project is significant due to the high unemployment rate in the area where the beneficieries live. The skills that students obtain during the education process, characteristic for different professions, are still very attractive and required on the European labour market. The fulfillment of the internships will furnish ZSP No3 with information whether students have been educated not only in a modern way but also in accordance with the requirements of contemporary European job market.
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