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Start date: Jul 30, 2015, End date: Jul 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our institution, is responsible for supply the needs of indivuals in society through providing them education both for occupational and personal development. By this way our aim is to enhance their capability of being benefical for the society. Considering the problematique situation in schooling rates of women and the responsibilities of our school together, reveals the necessity that we should develop and increases the initiatives in order to enhance the schooling rates of female children to make them have a profession and employed. Our projects that will last one year seeks the way of responding to this very exact need. In our project we agree that the students form the departments of “chid care and eduation”, from” beauty culture” and “the sick and elderly care” will attend the mobilites which will be held respectively in Poland, Romania, Latvia. For each mobility activity 15 pupils from the departments will participate in the project. The themes of the trainings in the mobilites will be “activities in preschool stages” for the students from child care and education department; hair washing,sorting and cutting techniques”for the students from beauty and hairdressing departmen; “mediaction” for the students from the sick and elderly care department. The duration of the mobilites and the destinations are determined according to the objectives of the project after a preliminary research.In the phase of choosing the students, the occupational interest and competencies will be the criteria of the selection. The prepatory trainings are going to be provided to students before the mobilities in order to ensure the project to be efficient and successful. After the mobility activites the various events disseminating the project outputs will be held to cerate sustainable influences. At the last phase of the project a general evaluation will be made in order to measure the succession of project. The whole acitivites regarding to the stages in the project will be carried out by the experienced and skilled staff who are part of the project. To conclude, this project seeks to reach,consists of there points which are to enhance the education system both in our school and in general; to create a conception ragarding the women's situation in the sense of participation in education and labor that it is very necessary, not unusal at all and has very productive consequences for society to be deloped. In order to reach that conclusion, we should create an environment in which the female students can develop attitudes and behaviours to access the knowledge. On the track of this,the students will be trained in special fieds directly related to their professions. We consider the points that these specialites can meet the needs of society in the region and they have the qualifications that can increase the quality of life in peoples daily routines. Şen, who is an instructor in Atatürk Health Services Vocational School states that the patience and elderly people who need care at home are being served in %84 by the staff practically with non educational background.It is to be expected that this rate is much higher in the district with no care center for elderly people. Diyarbakır' s educational avarage which is much below Turkey's avarage, also effects this expectation to be come out. Furthermore, the numbers of kindergartens in the district is relatively low. This crates a disvantegous situation fot the students study on child care and education as they can not find enough places to perform their profession. Another survey puts forth that nearly 47 pecent of women in the district almos never has benefited from the service of hairdressing . This incators show that this project has the capability of responding the various demands and needs in the society in one time. In addition to that the students can develop their foreign language skills and get to know the different cultures. Therefore, the participant pupils can perform a development at personal level. The whole achivements will make the participan students more succesfull in their life and enable them to increase their chances for employability. These students also can be a role model for other women. This project with its 45 trained pupils will be also a big gain for the community due to tha fact that these pupils are the future workforce who will be able to serve with specialized knoknowledge and skills .
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