European Projects
Diversas formas de enseñar la competencia profesio..
Diversas formas de enseñar la competencia profesional. ¿Cómo aprenden los alumnos en Europa?
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
The framework of our project is the Vocational Training for Assistant Nurse. The main objective will be the development of professional skills associated tothatcycle. In order to obtain the objective, we propose two different kinds of activities: the first one will be to promote the mobility of two assistant nurse’s students to France. Our partner, IRFS Croix-Rouge, will locate the students on a hospital to perform their train sheep for 4 weeks. The second main activity is the mobilization of personnel to perform a job shadowing on different schools over Europe. These partners are IRFS Croix-Rouge in France, Nova College in Holland, Emil-von-Behring and BBS Westerburg both of Germany. Our purpose is to move 8 professors, two of them to each partner’s center. Their objective will be to work on job shadowing to learn about their different systems of teaching on the field of auxiliary nursing. Each one of these centers develops his own processes to achieve the goal: the acquisition of professional competence by the students. We also intend to mobilize a person from our administrative area to IRFS Croix-Rouge (France). The aim of his work is to make a comparative monitoring of the processes of administration management and use of associated software.The profile of the students and staff who will be involved on mobility corresponds to students, teachers and secretarial staff with interest towards the relationship with our European counterparts. To be able to select the participating personnel, two aspects will be taken in account: the relation of the activities to develop on the mobility with the candidate’s daily activities and second, its interest on participating in the mobility.The selection criteria for the student’s applications are mainly based on personal abilities (the ability of interaction, teamwork, adaptability, problem solving) and on academic records.The selection criteria are clearly stablished on our International Relations quality proceedings. We can ensure that the selection process is transparent and equitable both for the students and personnel. To carry out the project:- The objectives of mobility will be clearly stated with our partners. For both students and staff.- The period to perform each mobility and the related activity plan will be agreed with our partners and participants.- Once mobilities are completed, a final evaluation of the project will be made to extract the results that have been reached. Each mobility project will be analyzed to find improvement areas.We expect an important impact of theproject’s activities over our students. We want them to increase their possibilities to find a job due to an improvement in their communication skills in French and a better overview of the job competencies associated to assistant nurse.They will increase their interest and their understanding towards their profession in the world of Health. They will, also, gain a broader view of their profession and the differences in the assignments of work responsibilities between France and Spain.The students will improve on French language, as it is an extension of their vocabulary and the level of understanding of spoken language due to the immersion on day to day french’s life. All these factors will clearly reinforce their feeling of being Europeans.The results and impact we expect on mobilized staff are personal growth, as they’ve had the opportunity to meet European colleagues, the substantial improvement in their Curriculum Vitae (very valuable for career progression),the improvement of the French language for staff who travels to France and improvement of English on those teachers who travel to Holland and Germany. The mobility activities planned to carrie out have an important impact on our institution because, as far as we can go, we want to be able to apply on our futur students the different systems to teach competencies we learn from our partners. We also intend to assimilate those administration methods we consider advantageous for our administration area and provide efficiency to our system.The prestige of our institution will grow in the educational environment of Barcelona. In addition, the educational community of our institution will benefit from the project, on one hand there is the knowledge transfer among teachers and staff and by the other hand the people's illusion will flow along the process.