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Discover Europe - "Azubis ins Ausland"
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The particpants of the project 'Discover Europe - "Trainees abroad"' are 15 trainees. The students can decide in which year of the training their internship takes place and most of them acquire their internships in the European regions covered by ERASMUS+ autononomously. Further partners of the project are local companies, our European twin schools in France, Spain and Poland as well as our twin towns Scarborough (UK) and Ostroda (Poland). The aim of this project is to meet the increasing demand of trainees with work experience abroad. Not only can the students learn the theoretical aspects of their training but also can they experience the real working life abroad. Furthermore both the language and the intercultural skills which require openness and empathy towards different living and working conditions abroad are of special importance.By doing an internship in the EU our trainees will have an competitive advantage in German companies and thus concerning their professional competency. As a lot of them are forced to leave our structually weak region after their traineeship this is of particular relevance. Just as all of our projects since the year 2000 this project is aiming both at sustainability and at encouraging the willingness to mobility. Since the 2008 flow local companies have tended to be interested in arranging their trainees’ internship within their company structure and they have taken on less interns from other companies. This is why the twin towns Scarborough and Ostroda and the twin schools of the current Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Project play an important part in putting the trainees in contact with companies abroad.The mobilities take place in the Easter, summer and autumn holidays. First the applicants have to hand in a motivational letter and a Europass CV. After intense interviews we implement an intercultural training block course individually matched to the participants in order to prepare the mobility. Before the departure there is a meeting where the learning contract and the Europass mobility are set up. While being abroad the trainees are required to send short status reports to the project managers via email. The quality management is effected by means of reflection and evaluation sheets. Additionally the realised internships are assessed by a presentation at school and a report published on our homepage. Non-satisfactory aspects of the internship are examined and improved in the next travel period.Moreover we enable our trainees to adapt their professional and social skills so as to attune them to Europe as a potential workplace. Concerning their academic performance the participants are predominantly good or very good students. We therefore expect them, above all, to act independently regarding the acquisition of the internship as well as the organization of accommodation, departure and arrival. The local companies support their trainees very well. What is more, there is a regular coordination with the project managers Ms Völkel-Wipke and Ms van der Velde. This was the basis for the development of a network between our school, the local companies and the partner companies within the European Union. Last but not least there will be long-term synergy effects for the cooperation with our twin towns Scarborough and Ostroda and for the consolidation of the relationship with our European twin schools.

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