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Din Eğitim Öğretiminde Avrupa Uygulamalarının İncelenmesi
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project, Yesilyurt, Cukurova and Cankiri Imam and Preacher High School, High School teachers and administrators Yapraklı multi-programmed, in charge of Adana Müftülüklerinde mufti, preachers, imams and preachers, Quran Course Teachers, Since the religion is an individual, social, cultural and universal reality, to teach it with scientific methods in our globalized world is more important than it was before. Social changes that will take place in our age and especially the new developments that the EU process will reveal will require reviewing both the philosophy and practice of religious teaching in our country. On this issue, Turkey must follow the developments in the West and to evaluate our country’s historical and cultural richness in the light of these developments. Being a member of the European Union will put new situations for Turkey in terms of religion as in all areas. The process of European Union membership for Turkey, for anything else, means to meet a society that has multi religious and multi cultural. To transform this membership into healthy and consistent membership, scientific and cultural dialogues will become very important between the members. In this context, the work that to be done is to evaluate our religion teaching system that we developed for our country by benefitting from the global accumulation of the west in the matter of religion teaching. Neither a western country nor an eastern country is there that Turkey can wholly copy this sensitive subject without any analysis and synthesis. However, we are in a state of development of a religion-teaching model that is both open contemporary values and specific to us by re-evaluating our multi-religion and multi-cultural historical experiences. Any such works will contribute our institution’s mission, vision, and values to take roots. With this project, we aim to share information and experiences of the participants in the field of religious education, to examine the different applications on-site, to contribute in upbringing expert individuals who will combine universal with local, will respect cultural heritage, though, freedom and moral, to develop modern religious education services, quality and productivity of them in our formal and informal education institutions Project, 46 people participating and 4 with 12 days' duration on stream in April 2015 in Germany, Belgium, Spain and Danmark also take place.

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