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Digitalización en el sector de la comunicación - un reto europeo

The project aims to study the impact of the digital technologies on the communication sector in terms of job contents, new profiles and respective qualification systems in order to develop a new set of training modules able to fulfil the present gaps. The partnership, 7 partners in 5 countries, have detected that the communication sector goes to a permanent change due to the introduction of digital techniques and that the professionals have no competencies to face the new job contents and the companies are not prepared to update their competencies generating high employability and competitiveness risks for people and for the company. The project will produce an analysis of the impact of the digital techniques in the sector in each country involved comprising the description of the new profiles as well as the new contents for the existing profiles, it will compare these results at national level with the current offers in the market either Universities or vocational training centres to identify the gaps (this comparison of the gaps will be enlarged at the European dimension of the partnership) and finally will develop the necessary training modules, some common to all partners and some specific, to update the training offer and the competencies of the professionals to the new needs of the sector. The target groups of the products are the workers of the communication companies who will be able to update their competencies through the new training modules, the companies who will be able to have adapted workers to the new job descriptions, the training providers who can add the developed modules to their training offer and the social partners that can use the new description within the social dialogue process.
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6 Partners Participants