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Digital Inclusion Champions in Europe

People with disabilities face significant barriers to access training in digital literacy essential for education and employment. Furthermore, the traditional model of delivering digital literacy skills to people with disabilities through the provision of centre-based training is becoming unsustainable, due to a massive increase in the demand for digital skills and rapid changes in online and mobile technologies.The DICE project aims to help people with disabilities build the digital literacy skills needed to transition from VET (Vocational Education and Training) to mainstream education and employment by creating an online community, DigiPlace4all, based on a peer support model, promoted and sustained by Digital Inclusion Champions. DICE transfers innovation from a previous Leonardo project, Gateway, using online content on assistive technologies aimed at people with disabilities, educators and employers. It adds social media and user generated content to create a dynamic community of peer support relationships within and across stakeholder groups – people with disabilities, VET digital skills trainers, mainstream educators and employers.The consortium involves four VET partners – NCBI (Ireland. coordinator), PhoenixKM (Belgium), FIRR (Poland) and Interprojects (Bulgaria) – all of whom are implementing the DigiPlace4all community within their own countries and helping spread it internationally. The consortium also includes IADT, the coordinator of the Gateway project, to ensure transfer of the most effective aspects of Gateway.The DigiPlace4all website is available in four separate country versions and languages - Irish (English language), Belgian (Dutch language), Bulgarian and Polish Social media tools enable community members to develop and maintain one-to-one peer support relationships, share knowledge and experiences and discuss digital skills and inclusion. This provides a permanent and always-available source of information and support, enabling students to sustain their skills development between VET sessions and after the VET course has ended. Digital Inclusion Champions of each stakeholder type promote the use of the DigiPlace4all among their peers and help spread it nationally and internationally.
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4 Partners Participants