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The general objective of the project was to increase the attractiveness of the cross-border region promoting the applicant regions as a joint product for tourism, their transformation into an economic and tourist destination and an area turned towards the future. The goal was also to increase the region´s competitiveness on an international level, which was achieved by processing the values hidden in shared cultures, using technology of the 21st century. During the project, sacral, cultural and historical treasures of the areas covered by the Pecs (Hungary) and Zakovo (Croatia) Dioceses were located, documented, processed and archived. Achievements: Approximately 12,000 photographs and several hours of film were taken on Hungarian and Croatian sacral locations that also present significant potential for tourism. After processing the collected material, the Diocese of Pécs published a monograph in Hungarian, Croatian, and English Our European Heritage introducing the Dioceses of Pécs and Cakovo presenting the treasures of both dioceses on 312 pages and more than 400 full-color photographs. A film about the dioceses was also made under the same title in four languages. The project put up a web-site with the entire contents of the book including additional photographs.

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  • 71.2%   183 032,73
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

7 Partners Participants