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Digital Compendium: Innovative learning materials for remote tutoring

The project will produce a 'Digital Compendium' (DC), as an e-learning resource, to meet the Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning needs of Nurses. The DC will consist of a series of web-based learning modules covering subjects such as medical physics, gerontology, first aid and intensive care with an easy-to-use interface also being developed for medical teaching staff allowing the selection and assembly of customised teaching programmes. Primary project activities include the design and development of interactive learning tools and the development of course content for individual modules. Each module will comprise a trainee course book, a work book & answer book and a self-testing element on the respective subject. Teaching staff will be trained in the use of the DC and will be provided with a test book and trainer's pack. It is intended that teaching staff then go on to train other teachers in the use of the DC platform. The DC will be piloted at various levels with both students and teachers with feedback impacting upon the final development of the DC platform and upon the content of the individual modules. Dissemination will include the hosting of a series of national workshops and international conferences in each partner country with the Lithuanian Nurses Organisation playing a key role in disseminating the project results amongst healthcare and nursing institutions across the partner countries.

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