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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The reason for the creation of this project was the need of internationalization of our school in order to create an attractive teaching and learning environment. Our school, the 1st General Lyceum of Aigio, before the implementation of this plan, did not have much experience in the design and implementation of international activities (e.g. exchanges, Comenius partnerships, etc.). Our unique international experience was an e-Twinning project in the subject area of Educational Robotics. The main reasons that our school had not been able to initiate significant international operations were that: 1) There was no necessary information to teachers as to the options available for internationalization. 2) There were not the necessary knowledge and skills to design and implement international activities. We looked for organizations with experience in the field, resulting in "Euneos" organization (, who was a very reliable organizer of Erasmus+ KA1 courses. This organization organized in March 2015 in Porto Portugal a week relative lesson titled "How to internationalize your school", in which we participated with the supplied Erasmus+ KA1 funding. This course was attended by the two IT teachers of our school who had shown a willingness to take initiatives to get our school an international character and in addition had experience implementing e-Twinning program and the director of the school. The topics of the course perfectly met our needs in qualified personnel that can: • develop - together with the management of school - a vision and a policy plan for internationalization • manage and organize all kinds of international activities • ensure the quality of international projects and their connection to the curriculum • seek partners for Erasmus+ KA2 partnerships and create appropriate plans for financing them under the Erasmus+ KA2 • communicate and collaborate with other partners abroad Upon completion of the course our teachers participants acquired sufficient expertise that helped our school to produce the following tangible results: 1) A draft policy of internationalization of our school, which is a road map for future internationalization projects of our school and is updated at regular intervals. 2) Two (2) projects Erasmus+ KA2 set up for the next programming period, with the theme "Mathematics in our Everyday Life" and "School Dropout". During the course we found partners with whom our school teachers collaborated and wrote together the applications of the above programs. These programs are awaiting approval for the next programming period. The long-term benefit of our school by this project is that the knowledge gained is expected to further enhance the international dimension of the school with even more international activities in the coming school years.
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