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Die GSR auf dem Weg zur Gemeinschaftsschule - Lernen durch und in Europa Neue Schul-, Unterrichts-, Lehr - und Lernformen als Herausforderung und Chance
Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Jun 25, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Graf-Soden-Realschule on the way to a new kind of Comprehensive School - an exciting project and a big challenge for the whole school community. The aim of this project is to implement individual teaching and learning techniques at our school, due to the different social, cultural and lingustic background of our students. We also introduce the full time school after teaching many years mainly in the mornings. All these efforts are being done to create better chances for our students by implementing individual learning methods and teach them according to their individual abilities. The aim is to enable more students to get access to institutions of higher education, to reduce the numbers of school leavers significantly. Some of our European neighbours have already developed techniques and systems leading into this direction. To learn from them, to avoid their mistakes, but also to discuss and evaluate our way is the core of our project. This requires a deeper knowledge of new teaching methods, new professional skills but also new management abilities as well as a new curriculum. We have already begun to develop new things but we want to learn from our European neighbours as they have a larger experience and it saves us from developing already existing things. After the project has ended the co-operation won't be stopped as we expect further co-operation with the new partners. The process we start now is an always continuing development which won't be stopped after two years. Another aspect is that education isn't only a matter of the different "Laender" in the Federal republic but a predominant task of all European countries, as shown in ET2020. This European dimension is sometimes forgotten in the course of the political discussions of our Ministers of Culture.
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