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Dezvoltarea profesionala a inspectorilor scolari privind abordarea transdisciplinara a predarii, invatarii si evaluarii respectiv asigurarea calitatii in VET
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The social and economical dynamics which we encounter in the society of knowledge, as well as the innovative elements integrated in the National Education Law, have generated a series of significant changes in the Romanian educational system. The trans-disciplinary approach towards education and the re-organisation of the VET system are two essential issues for the ISJ Iasi team. In this context, the project was directly targeted at 26 persons: school inspectors from ISJ Iasi, distributed in two flows (each consisting of 14 and 12 participants respectively), depending on their activity domain: ?Curriculum vitae and quality control? and ?Educational management ? developing human resource?. The goal of the project was to resolve the institutional needs of the two ISJ Iasi departments, ?Curriculum and quality control? and ?Educational management ? developing human resource? by implementing two strategies which are able to innovate the traditional activity in this institution, as well as bring signifying contributions to the educational process, on a regional or even national level. The general objective of the project was to increase the access to quality education through a series of inter- and trans-disciplinary educational initiatives oriented towards developing the necessary competences in a modern society and optimizing the educational process in VET. The necessity of this project has been determined by the general context of the new type of trans-disciplinary evaluation specified by the National Education Law 1/2011 and the need to connect them to a performant management, based on modern instruments, in order to provide quality in an European context in the VET schools. Our results: -26 school inspectors ? beneficiaries of formation programs, who will be an important resource on a local level, in order to ensure the sustainability of the project -26 school inspectors with psychological and intercultural competences, with an open attitude and capable to adapt to different organizational and cultural environments -26 school inspectors with improved foreign-language and cultural competences -26 Europass certificates -26 certificates of attending an European formation course -two final products with educational relevance, which ensure the sustainability and transferability of the project: the ?Developing of the organizational culture in VET, by the implementation of European projects? and ?Trans-curricular projection guide?. Each training activity had a time period of 7 days and took place in April/May 2015 in institutions chosen based on their experience in this field: Casa de Educao-Lisabona and Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnuetzige GmbH-Leipzig respectively. The project created added value through the participants? direct contribution to the development of the existing curricular frame, by creating a modern and flexible trans-disciplinary curriculum, promoting key professional competences for the further integration of the students in the work-market, contributing to the development of knowledge and competences of the headmasters and other persons who are part of the evaluation and curricular projection process in high-schools, as well as providing support to this target-group categories in translating from a theoretical approach to a practical implementation of the gained knowledge, in a new, trans-disciplinary environment. All these elements show how the project answers the general needs to improve the pre-universitary education and has the necessary flexibility in order to adapt the offer according to the particular needs identified in a certain region, by creating new trans-disciplinary projects able to reflect the local specific, as well as involving VET actors in training programs. Adopting the new teaching and evaluation strategies, stimulating the VET schools are top priorities for ISJ Iasi, and are a condition for the educational progress and educational success in our region.

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