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Dezvoltarea competenţelor de marketing ale elevilor, prin activităţi de practică în U.K., pentru o piaţă a muncii europeană
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ”Developing marketing skills of students through practical activities in the UK for a European labor market” is a product of the vision of Technological High School ”Nicolae Balcescu” Oltenita by which our school wants to promote a change adjusted to the requirements of European integration, based on the personal and social development of the pupils. In this context, the needs analysis at the level of our school has indicated a major problem: at the end of the professional training students have difficulties of integration and professional development on the labour market. Our projects sets to contribute to the removal of one cause that can also be approached by the educational system: the insufficient number of practical training hours at economic agents that lead to the impossibility of students to develop a number of practical and professional competences sufficiently and also to adapt to a real economic environment.The purpose of our project is to facilitate the efficient passing from school to the professional life through work experience at economic agents from different social and economic environments. In this way, we intend to increase the competitivity and capacity to integrate on the labour market of our students graduating as technicians in economic activities. Having this purpose in mind we have chosen as a partner the organization TELLUS, specialised in professional training and language classes, aknowledged in all Europe for the quality of their mobility projects.Our objectives are:• The consolidation of professional practical-applicative training by carrying out practical activities during work experience in the domain of marketing in a company or VET institutions with specific profile in the United Kingdom of Great Britain And Northern Ireland by students training to become technicians in economic activities.• Development of specific competences for the qualification of technician in economic activities- business marketing through practical activities done in the same context;• Increasing the capacity of adjusting to professional, social and cultural environments through sessions of linguistic training (applied on the economic domain) and cultural activities in Great BritainThe participants are students in initial training, in the domain of qualification of economic technicians. 20 students(over 60% from rural areas) will be selected to directly participate in the project, but the results, the impact and the dissemination are adressed to all students training in this qualification, to all teachers of this speciality, to all public institutions and economic agents.The project will start on the 20th of July 2014, and will last for a year. In the training activities of the project we have taken into consideration not only the linguistic and cultural aspect, but also the training in the domain of speciality by two intensive classes: ”Business English” and Business Administration-British particularities”. The mobility in UK will last for 21 days, in two flows (November and December), with the same types of activities(e.g.: marketing, stock analysis, processing documents, data bases updates, Business English Activities and cultural-touristic activities). The dissemination will be done constantly, throughout the project, by conferences, seminars, exhibitions in public institutions and economic agents, press articles, by using at maximum products such as: the site of the project, the mobility diary, good practice guide, optional class syllabi, posters, fliers. The impact on the direct participants will materialize in the increasing by 40% of the speciality and communication in English competences in general and in specific terms. We estimate a better capacity of adapting and integration in different socio-cultural environments, a development of the feeling of European citizenship, an increase of the degree of self-confidence regarding the challenges of the European market, after getting the Europass and ECVET certificates. An increase of 25% of the number of partnerships and collaboration with economic agents for work experience, as a result of the activities of dissemination of good practices from the mobility will take place for the Technological High School ”Nicolae Balcescu” Oltenita. An improvement of the curricular offer with two optional school curricula, two teaching auxiliaries ( a guide of good practices and a mobilty diary) can also be added to the above. On the long term the oportunities of the local and regional labour market will be better valorized for training the pupils in a real economic environment. We estimate that in the first year after the project we will witness an increase (25%) of the number of students that will perform work experience for economic agents; thereafter most of the students will be interested in doing this too.
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