European Projects
Dezvoltarea competentelor creative de predare si c..
Dezvoltarea competentelor creative de predare si comunicare
Start date: Aug 1, 2014,
End date: Jul 31, 2015
The project “Developing Creative Skills in Teaching and Communication” emphasizes the training needs as outlined in the school European Development Plan which was designed according to the local and national educational strategy as well as considering the economic and cultural evolution. It is meant to meet the expectation of the students and parents by raising teachers' awareness about the European educational requirements.
The objectives aimed at in the project correspond to our desire of participating in courses which deal with developing the skills we want to achieve, namely creative techniques of teaching and communication, teaching management, quality humane education, intercultural exchange, developing the linguistic abilities, adjusting the teaching process to the needs of the European countries, members of the EU., openness to the European culture and the common traditional European values while enhancing the value of our own cultural assets.
There will be 6 participants in the mobilities. They come from different curricular areas and they will improve their commnunicative and teaching methods.
The activities will include commnunication based on useful information exchange via e-mail in English, choosing among the wide range of courses through accessing available information, in order to meet the needs concerning training courses, the detailed schedule, the duration of the course, location, the distance to the training city and the nature of courses adjusted to the expectation and the educational need of the participants.The preparatory activities will be carried out through cooperation according to the training needs, by acquiring creative techniques through raising motivation in order to create an appropriate working environment for personal and professional fulfillment.
The methodology of implementing the project will follow the steps of: informing about the project through different means, accessing and filling a specific form, selection and choosing of the target group, preparation and actual training for the mobility, reporting and dissemination.
The impact will be:
A) On the participants by enhancing the professional skills, acquiring new creative, interactive and active methods of teaching and communication, developing the linguistic abilities and computer skills, efficient exchange of formal, non formal and informal learning methods, acquiring knowledge about the participating countries and their culture, building team spirit, fueling the desire of permanent training, the respect for quality in education and gaining self–respect.
B) On the institution by changing the school curricula- through proposing new course syllabuses based on European issues, creative arts, using the newly acquired methods and techniques, enhancing teacher cooperation to promote authentic values, developing the European dimension within the school politics, raising of the school prestige within our community through the number of the trained teachers at European level and involvement of other schools in the activities unfolded: dissemination, symposiums, raising the school potential with impact on parents and students.
C) On the students by developing social skills: communication, empathy, asertivity, self- confidence, self respect, enhancing knowledge on European countries and culture, educational systems, self awareness and team work and efficient communication , critical thinking, creativity, developing interest for transcurricular approach, raising awareness about tolerance and mutual acceptance within a group.
The results will be measured :
A) On a national level: through written communications delivered within debates, round tables, symposiums in the country, multimedia presentations posted on different web- sites, interractive workshops. 300 hundred teachers form the country will take part in this activities.
B) Within the county: a round table, thematic articles in magazines, media presentations on local sites, workshops, scientific and methodical publications.Over 400 teachers within the county, directors, local and county trainers.
C) Locally: teaching sessions to students, to other colleagues, workshops on cultural topics, informative panels within the school, leaflets containing information about the courses, multimedia presentations within the teachers’ meeting and each teachers’ department , educational classes introducing specific topics. The direct beneficiaries will be the school teachers, (over 150 )and the students(over 750).
The long term effect of the project will be the national school prestige through reaching an awareness of our belonging to the European educational and cultural background, while acquiring European educational practices.