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Dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului în contextul diversității europene
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is initiated by the Economic College Dimitrie Cantemir and it has as a title: "Developing entrepreneurship in the context of European diversity", in partnership with two institutions providing training: University Educational Circle, Riga, Latvia, "Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark ', Austria. The project aims to reduce school drop with 3-4%,to increase the performance in educating and advising students with risk factors and improving entrepreneurial skills to facilitate their integration into the labor market. Motivating students to stay in the system is a target that can be met if you cooperate with foreign partners to identify the most effective strategies, methods, measures and solutions. The training program that has been choosen is a response to the identified needs through the subjects tackled regarding training activities and implementing strategies learned, requires teachers to change their teaching and vision of making curricular and extracurricular activities. Participating teachers will develop their English language skills, IT, cultural, entrepreneurial function module which will be attended by integrating them in the future to prepare our students. We have identified that the following training needs are essential: 1. The need for inclusion of all students in school activities regardless of ethnicity, religion, sex, socio-economic situation. This need arises due to the diversity at all levels in the school and finding alarming increase in the number of students who do not engage in curricular and extracurricular activities; 2. The need to know and apply the methods, strategies, solutions / measures aimed at reducing the number of pupils in school failure situations and thus reducing the number of students who drop out of school; 3. The need for effective communication with students in order to eliminate conflicts; 4. The need for qualitative development of education through the use of strategies and teaching methods adapted to the profile required by school pupils (economic services) determines the continuous improvement of teachers by participating in entrepreneurship courses. Project objectives, related to the needs identified: O1. Increasing the number of students involved in school and extracurricular activities; O2. Deveop a code of pactice"Code of Ethics" to recommend steps to follow for teachers facing students in conflict and risk education; O3. 3-4% reduction in the number of students who drop out of school; O4. Providing the necessary support, students in entrepreneurship development projects to facilitate insertion in the labor market; O5. The implementation method "Gestalt Pädagogische" to manage positive student-teacher-parent conflicts arising in school; O6. Developing international networks in entrepreneurial domain persuing thus ensuring European dimension of the project; The new project continues the professional development strategy, aiming at: 1. acquiring the skills needed to promote diversity and inclusion in the context of conflict management educatio in order to reduce early school leaving; 2. The development of entrepreneurial skills, urgently needed in the current socio-economic context. The training institution Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, Austria, will train eight teachers, including: - 4 teachers in the session in November 2015 -courses on EUROPEAN INCLUSION (group1) - 4 teachers in the session in March 2016 - courses on CONFLICT MANAGEMENT (group 2); The European training provider Educational Circle, will train 12 teachers: - 4 teachers - session from 12 to 16 September 2016, courses on INCLUSION IN EUROPEAN CONTEXT (group 3); - 4 teachers in the session from 12-16 September 2016-courses on EUROPEAN EDUCATION in diversity (group 4); - 4 teachers in the session from 26 to 30 September 2016 in a course on EUROPEAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP (group 5); The sustainability consists in conducting activities during the project ensuring permanent nature of the activities and not a sporadic one. The activities carried on the return from the training course will follow the implementation of acquired skills and further collaboration with the organizing institutions via the Internet (website, skype, platforms, web pagi) These mobilities will have a positive impact on participants in the training program, on the students, parents , the school community and local and on an European level with the view of reducing the number of students who drop out or recorded cases of school failure.
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