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Dezavantajlı Öğrencilere Yönelik Öğrenci Koçluğu Eğitimi
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to 2014 statics, the rate of graduation from any high school remains at 29 %.According to 2011-2012 statics, when the rate of the students who left the school willingly are examined, 29% boys and 31% girls are in this group. The most important reason of this is the insufficient coaching support provided to the students in terms of their future life and vocational choices. Studies and entrepreneurships to increase enrollment rates and prevent early school leaving are carried out by Bitlis Directorate of Education. With the aim of improving the knowledge and ability of these work groups established as part of these studies and increase their productivity, they will participate in Coaching in educational contexts to reduce early school leaving. Aim of the Project is providing students (mainly girls) facing the risk of leaving schools in Bitlis and surrounding villages with opportunities related to learning and labor market, motivate them to continue their education and make appropriate professional choices. Our Project is also in parallel with the Europe 2020 Strategic Priorities. The project’s target group is all students at the risk of leaving school. With our project, 3 people will attend “coaching in educational contexts to reduce early school leaving” course in Spain. Participants are three teachers who study to increase enrollment rates and prevent early school leavings in Bitlis. After this training, dissemination activities will be carried out are : cooperating with surrounding village schools and center schools and destructing the barriers on the way of students’ education through the organization of various study and educational visits to these schools. Seminars related to the subject will be given for parents and teachers of the students at the risk of leaving schools to give information and raising awareness. Students will be placed in vocational schools in accordance with their capacity and willingness with the cooperation with Counselling Research Center and Vocational Training Center. Necessary support will be provided through visits to surrounding villages and meetings with the participation of villages’ headmen, imams, teachers and the elders. Students who have the criteria specified in the target group will be determined and provided with necessary information and guidance. Struggles to direct students who are beyond the age of compulsory to the distant education facilities will be carried out by the Project teams. The expected results along with dissemination activities are as followed : Students at the risk of leaving school were directed to go to vocational schools of their choice after establishing cooperation with parents. Rates of leaving schools decreased. Learning facilitation /support was provided. Adults have been included into learning process. As a result of this Project, our city which is above the average in Turkey related to long term absenteeism and the rate of school leavings is planned to capture average of Turkey. Methodology to be followed during the application of the project will include interviews with students and parents and informing parents and teachers.

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