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Développer ses compétences commerciales au sein de l'union européenne
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This mobility project concerns a group of 12 pupils preparing a vocational diploma of commerce in a European Section, with English as a major language. We need up to 24 scholarships for our next mobility projects programmed for 2015 and 2016. We have a service provider in Swansea (Wales) which finds the shops in which our pupils will work as well as the host families. They also assure the relationship between the teachers in France, the companies and the families. Our highschool decided to participate in the opening of this European section in May 2013. We took part in a seminar organized by German students (BerMuPa). It concerned the future of the European youth and the cultural challenges. The themes were various (culture, media, the future of Europe, political and artistic perspectives …). The speakers were the Minister of Culture Mme Filipetti, the Minister of European Affairs M. Repentin and M. Soufflot de Magny from the European Commission …. It is absolutely necessary for our students to have a cultural and professional experience in a country of the European Union. The objectives are double : - Count the 4- week training in Swansea as part of the compulsory 12-week trainings which are necessary to obtain their diploma to have an easier access to the French, European and why not International market . - To anchor this European section in our highschool to favor the possibility for our students to study at University later. The trainings in the UK will allow our students : - to discover different sales methods ; - to compare and understand the consumption habits of the concerned countries and consequently be capable to answer the local and international customers. This French and European experience is very appreciated : - By French and British companies which are settled in France ; - By Welsh companies which are interested in our sales techniques. After this mobility program, the participants will be able to consider the possibility to work abroad. We hope this opportunity will sharp their curiosity and encourage a broader cultural opening they will need in the future.
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