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Development project of Runon ja Rajan tie (Road of Poem and Border)
Start date: Sep 30, 2001, End date: Sep 30, 2004 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of the project was to create a travel route, Th e Road of Poem and Border, which covers the entire Interreg Karelia region. Th e Road of Poem and Border was planned to consist of an extensive Via Karelia entity, which would connect the travel destinations and local attractions in Finland and the Republic of Karelia and join the international Via Baltica Nordica route. Th e intention was to build the basic service structure for the route; the Road of Poem and Border would be marked using road signs. In addition, information signs were to be erected at suitable rest areas, where map of the Road of Poem and Border would be displayed together with the map of the municipality in question. Th e road signs would be erected by either the Finnish Road Administration or the technical offi ces of the municipalities. Th e sites along the Road of Poem and Border would include local attractions like Juhanan Tupa, Korpiselkätalo, Bomba, Juminkeko and Domnan Pirtti. Locations associated with military history and sites related to Orthodox beliefs with tourism appeal would also be included. Th e intention was to add several connecting routes to the main route. A further goal was to increase awareness of the Road of Poem and Border. Th e project was to implement a website where the project’s marketing material would be available. Achievements: The road was to be marked as a sightseeing road using road signs during the project. Marking the attractions with signs along the road was not completed, as the Finnish Road Administration had not defined the necessary prerequisites for doing so. Marketing of the road was done via press releases. As part of the project, 3,000 copies of a shared brochure for the Road of Poem and Border and the Karelian Pilgrim Route were printed. During the project, the brochure was distributed through travel agencies, some large service stations and at tourist attractions along the road. The Via Karelia entity was also included in the 2005 car travel guide and the Finland guide. The planned Road of Poem and Border website was not completed within the framework of the project. The Road of Poem and Border received offi cial sightseeing road status from the Finnish Road Administration, which has an essential signifi cance in the marketing of the road. The Road of Poem and Border does not yet extend to Russia; however, the creation of the entity has been started and Via Karelia is an active and functional part of Via Baltica Nordica. During 2002, the Road of Poem and Border was recognised spontaneously or following assistance by 38 percent of people questioned, and in 2004 the number was 43 percent; therefore, awareness of the road increased by five percent during the project.
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  • 64.9%   80 839,44
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

2 Partners Participants