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Development of the criteria for the Green Certificate, implementation and control in rural areas and small towns in Latvia (Green certificate)
Start date: Oct 1, 2001, End date: Sep 30, 2004 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Uncontrolled tourism can have a negative impact in many respects – for example, exploitation of natural resources, increasing traffic and consequent increases in air pollution levels, increased volumes of waste and problems with waste management. Spontaneous tourism development may result in irreversible changes to landscape, and historical and cultural heritage. However, tourism is an attractive source of income and new jobs. Whilst Latvia has no history of mass tourism, it is a sector that needs to be facilitated and developed as a catalyst for development of the rural economy. In order to stimulate rural tourism and to support a high standard of operations, a national Green Certificate will be introduced as an award for tourist accommodation with high operational standards, service quality and environmentally friendly management. Objectives The objective of the project is to facilitate sustainable tourism in Latvia, with particular attention paid to: • Development and implementation of a national eco-labelling system for rural tourism in accordance with the respective EU recommendations for Member States; • Protection of ecosystems and maintenance of biological diversity; • Preservation of natural landscapes, cultural and historical heritage; • Conscientious exploitation of natural resources; • Control and prevention of pollution and disturbances; • Improvement of quality of life for the local communities. Environmental benefits expected • Maintained landscape quality • Full awareness and protection of natural, culturally and historically valuable objects • Improved tourist and provider awareness of conditions and measures for preservation and protection of natural, cultural and historical heritage • Deliberate saving of tourism resources • Improved waste management Deliverables • The project website • A promotional project brochure • Catalogues, guidebooks: o A tour map of Latvia “Must see” o The catalogue “Country holidays 2003” o The tour map with the attached brochure “Countryside Bounty” o The Green Certificate accommodation brochure featuring all the 36 eco-labelled establishments o The catalogue “Country Holidays 2004” o The guidebook “Active Holidays” o The guidebook “Countryside Bounty” • The brand name “Green Holidays” • Newsletter “Sustainable tourism news” • Green Certificate • Training materials o Sustainable use of natural resources o Biological diversity and its preservation o Nature friendly tourist activities o Environmentally friendly building and furnishing materials in rural tourism o Latvian festivities and traditions as part of the rural tourism offer • Training video materials • Layman report • Study "Sustainable development of rural tourism in Latvia". Results The project was led by the Latvian Country Tourism Association, and ran from October 2001 to September 2004. It developed the “Green Certificate” eco-label with national criteria, based on the most recognised European eco-labels, established eco-labelling procedure and applied the eco-label to rural tourism accommodations in Latvia. The "Green Holidays" brand has been developed and promoted to tourists through the web site and publication series with the same title: tour maps and guides, accommodation catalogues and brochures. The “Green Certificate” and “Green Holidays” have gained positive publicity and recognition among rural tourism providers and consumers. Involvement and interest from the supply as well as the demand side creates favorable preconditions for further eco-labelling activities and development of “green” rural products. The “Green Certificate” has joined “VISIT”, the European Association of Eco-labels, where it contributes in terms of expertise on small-scale rural accommodation certification. In cooperation with “ECEAT”, the European Center for Ecological and Agricultural tourism the project has benchmarked the “Green Certificate” criteria with the ECEAT environmental criteria. Thus, an establishment with the “Green Certificate” eco-label will also be able to use the ECEAT logo as a common brand for ecological accommodations in Europe. Following the close of project the eco-labeling activities will continue. The Latvian Country Tourism Association will: • continue to award the “Green Certificate” as recognition for environmental quality in rural tourism. • incorporate the “Green Certificate” criteria into the general rural tourism quality criteria system. • continue to train rural tourism providers in environmental issues, using the contents and methodology developed in the project. • continue promotion of Green Holiday products • disseminate the project experience and build on it in further projects to ensure continuity. This project has been selected as one of the 24 "Best" LIFE Environment projects in 2004-2005
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