Search for European Projects

Start date: Jul 20, 2014, End date: Jul 19, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Institute of Higher Education "DA VINCI - DE GIORGIO" has a total school population of about 1000 students in the three curricula (Technical College, High School and Vocational Institute). The Institute is committed to promoting a quality training system oriented in the technical and professional curricula whose mission is to foster in students the development of general and specific skills needed for the effective exercise of citizenship. The educational objectives of the Institute include: a) the training of technicians with solid cultural, technical and professional skills for immediate entry into the labor market, b) the possibility to continue their studies at university or to specialize in courses of higher technical education, c) the pleasure of understanding the world and to participate in its transformation. The Institute has set up curricular projects (ILearnEnglish, Competence 2.0, Teachers in Factory Mechanica Experience) aimed at promoting adequate professional skills in students. The Institute promotes the teaching of inclusion with the aim of promoting the success of the education of students with disabilities, with Learning Disorders (ASD) as well as foreign students. The objectives of the project "DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TEACHERS SKILLS" include: 1) to foster the awareness of the European dimension of the training system, including the certification of skills and credits, through training courses for teachers and the dissemination of information materials (paper and / or digital); 2) to encourage the international mobility of teachers and exchange of educational and training experiences; 3) to activate courses according to CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology; 4) to enhance the ability of teachers to organize the group-class and to interact with the students in an effective way. Number and profile of participants: teachers are to be involved in the project through a process of selection on the basis of the following criteria: a) specific interest for cooperation projects, possibly gained in previous training experiences, b) language skills (English at level B1 or higher), c) willingness to participate in training courses abroad, d) adequate communication skills and ease in interpersonal relationships, e) good knowledge of multimedia, f) willingness to ensure the continuity of work at the Institute in order to honor their commitment to the dissemination of skills and experiences. Description of activities: 1) participation in training courses abroad, 2) participation in projects of job shadowing. Methodology of the project. The integration of skills and experience will be made in the following ways: a) organization of seminars and meetings for teachers for the dissemination of information, b) production of summary documents, also available for consultation on the school's website, c) activation of the teaching according to the CLIL methodology (in classes of technical curriculum), d) organization of seminars and working groups (with particular attention to the first and second classes, both in technical and vocational courses). Expected results in terms of learning objectives and impact of the project. With regard to the teaching staff, learning objectives include: 1 ) Development of language skills; 2) Knowledge of CLIL methodology; 3) knowledge and use of the European Credit System for vocational Education and training (ECVET ); 4) Acquisition of innovative teaching skills with regard to team-building, conflict mediation , motivation of pupils with special educational needs at risk of school failure and/or dispersion. As for the students, expected results include: 1) Improvement of language skills through the CLIL teaching ( for students in the technical curriculum); 2) Decrease of conflicts and improvement of the relational climate in the group class; 3) consolidation of the European identity. The evaluation of the expected results will be made : a) at the conclusion of the participation in training courses ( overall quality of the course, its relevance to the learning objectives specified ): b ) at the end of the project (participation of teachers in seminars, awareness of the European dimension of the education, interest in dissemination, improvement of language skills , improvement of the management of class groups , interest in the activation of new courses).

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