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Development of historical riverside protection area in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia II stage (River promenades II)
Start date: Jan 16, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of the project is integrated construction and improvement of the historical promenade areas in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia and conversion of the CBC area into attractive place as united tourist destination. The present project is a follow-up of the Integrated development of the historical riverside protection area in Narva/Estonia and Ivangorod/Russia project implemented by partners in 2007 – 2009; it continues activities and gives added value to development of cross-border area as a united tourism destination making it attractive for tourists and ensuring stable sustainable development of the cross-border region. The previous project resulted in development of documentation pack (technical, economic studies, development of tourist products and construction projects) that allows partners to construct promenade areas. The implemented studies show that riverside area being located in historical medieval city parts is in poor condition, needs improvement of landscaping, access ways and basic infrastructure. The project gives value added to Estonia/EU – Russian border region by contributing to enhancement of the cities image and living environment, increases the cities competitiveness and the quality of recreation possibilities attracting more tourists, ensures fast development and increased competitiveness. With construction of promenades in historical medieval parts in Narva and Ivangorod riverside zones become attractive recreation areas, that gives strong impetus for further development of promenades as tourist products. Narva (Lead Partner) and Ivangorod municipalities are project partners in this project. Committee for physical culture, sports and tourism of Kingisepp region (Russia), Ida-Viru County Government, Environmental Board of Estonia and Heritage Conservation Board of Estonia are project associated partners. Main project activities are: management and coordination; information and visibility; integrated construction of promenades in Ivangorod and Narva, organisation of information tour for journalists, project partners, potential investors, stakeholders, tourist companies. Following European Commission Monitoring mission recommendations partners included into the project fund-raising and promotion activities in order to find sources of funding for construction of promenade parts not covered by this project. Due to large-scale volume of works and their cost project partners split construction of promenades into stages and fixed areas for the first construction stage. In Narva it is an upper level of the promenade located in the Dark Garden, in Ivangorod – the promenade northern part. Main target groups of the project are: tourists and visitors, local population, local authorities, potential investors, tourist companies, regional and state authorities. Achievements: Outputs*Northern promenade of Narva river - thematic place called Fisher market reconstructed in Ivangorod; *Part of the upper promenade of Narva Fortress reconstructed; *Festive opening of Narva and Ivangorod promenades in February 2014 attended by Estonian Ministry of the Interior, Governor of Leningrad Region, tourist companies, mass-media, potential investors and wider public; *5 round tables organized with participation of Russian funding institutions and private investors; *Joint press tour organized, 18 press-releases and 23, publications in mass-media, 15 articles in newspapers, 3 articles in tourism magazines, 3 pressconferences, 7 TV/radio broadcast produced to promote renovated promenades; Totally, about 5 000 000 people addressed with mass-media coverage on the project events and created websiteResults*Border riverside areas in Narva and Ivangorod converted into attractive convenient sights for inhabitants and visitors; *Regions widely promoted due to close crossborder cooperation and joint events; *Raised awareness of tourist operators, service providers and inhabitants in project regions and countries about new opportunities for visitors; *Promotional and thematic materials about Narva and Ivangorod culture and history widely available for local and regional audience; * Potential investors expressed their wish to develop the Ivangorod promenade and support its further construction; *2 contracts with investors signed to operate in the newly created walking area in Ivangorod; * At least 750 000 readers of regional newspapers and 180 000 radio listeners got knowledge about created sites for visitors; *Cross-border cooperation between Narva and Ivangorod enhanced, future common initiatives outlined

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  • 90%   1 568 104,80
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants