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Development of Hereditary Cancer Prevention Measures in Pskov Region (HeCaPrev)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Latvia (LV) and Russia (RU). Hereditary cancer (HC) accounts for 10-20% of all cancers. The lifetime risk of developing cancer disease for carriers of cancer predisposing mutations is up to 80%. It is 10-20 times higher than for the rest of the population. Unlike other forms of cancer, HC is the type of cancer that can and should be prevented. The HC cases remain high not because of lack of scientific knowledge on the subject, but rather limited knowledge and experience exchange within the greater community of cancer specialists. Recently new and alternative methods for HC management, mainly preventative in nature, have been introduced and are currently practiced to a high level in Latvia (LV), meanwhile still lacking in Russia (RU). Through this project, the researchers from Latvia - Hereditary Cancer Institute of Riga Stradins University (RSU) intend to transfer a broad spectrum of knowledge on HC to colleagues in Russia, Pskov Onkological Dispensary (POD). By doing so, the best available knowledge and HC management practices will become available to the colleagues in RU, and will be put to use during and long after this project to ensure the most up-to-date HC management in Pskov region. The overall objective of this project is to improve life quality in RU and LV by developing effective population based hereditary cancer screening and management system model and combating hereditary cancer in border regions. More specifically the project will address the following specific objectives 1) to ensure information and experience exchange about HC, its preventitive measures and management; 2) to raise awareness on HC as managable and curable disease; 3) to identify high HC risk individuals through HC screening pilot project and 4) to develop HC prevention and management base in Pskov. To achieve these objectives the activities of the project will include exhange of knowledge on HC management in the form of study trips and trainging programmes for POD personnel, carrying out pilot project on hospital and registry screening of HC cases and developing the data base in POD, development of HC management strategy for Pskov region, equipping and setting up HC centre in Pskov as well as a number of awareness raising and visibility actions. The project's target groups are personnel of POD involved in HC management, HC patients and their relatives in Pskov region as well as general public of Pskov region. The implementation of the project will contribute to improving the living standard of HC patients and high-risk people who after end of the project will be better informed about HC as a managable and curable desease and will seek doctor's advice thus improving their lives. Achievements: Outputs*1 Hereditary Cancer (HC) centre developed in Pskov. The HC centre is provided with the equipment to test and figure out hereditary cancer risk groups; *4 specialists of Pskov Oncological Dispensary (POD) participated in the experience exchange visits at the Hereditary Cancer Institute of Riga Stradins University; *Trainings of the Head of molecular laboratory of Pskov HC in Riga Stradins University 2 times x 2 weeks; *Methodology for HC treatment in Pskov region developed during the project; *HC data base established after all project data assembled; *1000 Family cancer history surveys given and 1000 blood samples taken in Russia; *1 knowledge transfer visit of Latvian experts in Pskov; *32 joint consultations of Latvian and Russian specialists for HC patients in Pskov; *2,000 brochures published for doctors and 20,000 brochures published for patients; Webpage developed in Russian:; *6 press releases publishedResults*Methodology for HC treatment in Pskov region is being used by POD employees to further develop HC management in the region; *The newly established HC centre in Pskov is open to the HC patients and functioning: analyses are made and consultations are provided on a regular basis; *1 educated specialist of Pskov Oncological Dispensary is using the Hereditary Cancer database in the everyday work; *Pskov inhabitants being selected in the HC risk group after population screening and laboratory testing; *100 medics in Pskov region have a better understanding of HC and its management methods; *General public awareness raised about hereditary cancer as a manageable and curable disease; *2,000 doctors’ and other medical personnel’ knowledge on HC issues in Pskov region improved
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  • 90%   267 458,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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